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I was sleeping so perfectly when suddenly a light -tap tap screech- sound kept pulling me from my slumber.

When I opened my eyes it took a minute for me to remember where I was, I rubbed my eyes and looked around. It was still dark and when I looked down at my phone it read just after 2am.

I laid back down and tried to settle in, then the creepy sounds came back again.

I turned in the bed and looked to the window.

The thick curtains were covering the window but the scary sound was definitely coming from there, something was tapping on the window.

My heart raced, and as the eerie noises sounded once more I jumped up from the bed and rushed over to the large sofa.

"Braxton." I whispered as I shook him only a little.

He jump up with a quickness as he held me behind him. He looked around the room wildly and then realized that there wasn't anything in the room. So he turned around and faced me.

It was then that I realized he was only wearing a pair of very snug boxer briefs.

"What's wrong gorgeous?"

His voice was thick and full of sleep, to say it was completely sexy was an understatement, but the sound came back and I jumped and quickly threw my arms around his middle. "T-there's something out there." I whispered.

"Sit right here." He said sweetly as he sat me down, and placed the blanket on my legs.

It was still warm from where it was just touching his body. I watched as he pulled back the curtain and examined the eerie noise.

He put the curtain back in place and walked back to the sofa where he took a seat near my feet.

"It's just the tree, it's branches are a bit overgrown and brushing against the window, you should try and get some more sleep." He suggested, "I'll take care of it in the morning."

"I don't think I could go back to sleep now." I said, immediately feeling like a complete idiot, I had let the movies get to me, instead of waking him I should've just checked on my own.

He stood up "come on."

I stood up with him and he placed his hand on my back, between my shoulder blades where he then proceeded to lead me back to the bed. Then he left my side and got into the bed himself.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, sure he hadn't given me any reason to think him anything less than a gentleman, but I've never laid in bed with a guy, hell I've never even hugged a guy other than my dad until just now.

But here I am now, in bed with the same guy who I gave my first kiss to, not that he would know any of that.

"I'm going to lay with you until you fall asleep Harper."

His eyes were already closed so I knew he wasn't going to try anything. Plus I'm sure if he wanted to try something he would've done so already.

I let my body relax as much as I could and then I closed my eyes.

. . . . .

When my eyes fluttered open I felt like I had just fallen back to sleep. But as I paid more attention I noticed my head was resting on an arm as I starred straight at a muscular bare chest.

I moved my arms only slightly and felt them confidently wrapped around his sleeping form. I did the same with my legs and found they were tangled amongst his own long and heavy legs.

I slowly tilted my head up and saw Braxton's handsome face, he was fast asleep and looked so peaceful. I wanted so desperately to reach up and touch him but I couldn't because I was too afraid to wake him.

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