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Over the next couple of days Braxton and I had gone from store to store, he insisted that I help him decorate his new home as it was FINALLY finished.

At first when he said it would be "our home" I had to admit that it did sort of freak me out. I mean I'm only 18 for gods sake, I don't know how to run a house, much less one this huge. But as I helped him pick out this color with these curtains and those pillows...a sort of normalcy grew with it, and today as I watched he and Ryder set up the furniture that I picked out I couldn't help but feel like this really could be my home...one day.

Touches of mine and Braxton's different tastes blended well, and the big empty house was now warm and inviting.

"You guys should have a house warming party." Ryder suggested as I handed him a glass of ice and a can of soda.

I shrugged, "it's Braxton's house."

He gave me a knowing look that said 'hardly' and I only shook my head.

"Regardless, I do not live here and I probably won't for a while" I said. "Which reminds me, you wouldn't happen to know what the legal courses are like at the college here in town do you?"

Now it was his turn to shake his head, "can't say that I've heard much about any legal classes, then again I'm in school for pediatrics."

"You?" I asked in awe.

He actually laughed a deep sort of chuckle, "yes me, much to your obvious surprise Miss Harper, I'm actually really good with kids and they don't suck nearly as much as most adults."

I smiled, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean any offense."

"None taken," he sounded as he finished off his drink. "Thanks for the soda, I should probably finish putting that huge chest of drawers together." He smirked.

"Sorry" I called after him as he made his way back upstairs, subtly complaining about the large furniture piece I had picked for The master bedroom.

As I got lunch together for the three of us I couldn't help but think about what Ryder said. Perhaps it was time for me to consider studying for another career. I mean the only reason I wanted to be a lawyer is because when I was younger my sister made me watch legally blonde and I liked the way she sort of helped people in her own air headed way. To be fair, this was back when my bullying started, and I figured if I could be like Elle Woods then everyone would like me, and if everyone likes me the I would stop getting picked on.

"Something smells good." Braxton said as he came up behind me and gently wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Oh, yeah...its done, could you grab the plates and some utensils."

He kissed my hair before obliging me, as he handed me the plates I served the guys large slices of the chicken pot pie I had made and he graciously walked them to the table for me. I pulled out my pan of rolls and lightly brushed them with herb butter before plating them and placing them onto the table in front of the guys. Afterward I gave myself some food and joined the them.

As we all sat and ate Braxton and Ryder spoke comfortably amongst each other whilst I sat silently still considering what it is that I would TRULY like to do as a living. While I was deep in thought Braxton grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my thoughts, I smiled up at him and noticed he was standing.

"Ryder's taking off."

"Oh gosh, thanks so much for coming over and helping Braxton today." I said.

Ryder brushed it off, "it was no problem, really." He smirked, "and thanks for the meal it was really good."

"Thank you" I smiled before Braxton and I showed him out.

Once he left Braxton set up the tv and I began watching movies while Braxton did various things on his laptop and cellphone, hours passed and I got up to wash the dishes before I had to leave.

"Can't you stay?" Braxton asked, he had once more come up from behind me, but instead of sweetly kissing my hair, he was now seductively pecking my jaw and quickly going toward my neck.

I stopped washing the plate I was holding and closed my eyes as the magical tingles intensified his every touch.

"You want me to spend the night?" I asked.

I felt his head nod 'yes' and I couldn't help but smile.

"I think I can manage that." I barely got out as my breathing was becoming heavier from the sheer fact that I was extremely turned on.

Then he pulled away and I gave him a heated stare, it earned me a light chuckle and a quick peck on the lips.

He left me alone and I actually got to finish the dishes, as much as I knew I probably should go home (as I hadn't been to my parents in a while), we both knew I was more than likely going to end up spending the night with my sneaky wolf of a boyfriend.

When everything was said and done I turned off the kitchen lights and found him in his office.

"What are you doing?" I asked playfully. He looked quite handsome behind his desk, his face full of concentration.

"I am finishing up a report for work."

"For the pack?" I wondered.

"No" he smiled kindly, "I do have an actual job that pays, to be honest the company I work for pays for me to go to school."

"I had no idea," I admitted. "So what do you do?"

"I'm an Actuary at one of the top insurance companies from the city that neighbors ours."

He must've seen my blank expression so he explained. "I'm basically a risk assessor, I crunch the numbers and work out the statistics and do everything I can to keep Big companies from losing money."

"Wow Braxton, that sounds like a lot of responsibility." I sounded.

He pulled me onto his lap and pushed my hair behind my ear, "I'm use to responsibility...but these exams are a bitch" he admitted.

I kissed his cheek, "I need to go and enroll soon."

"Are you still thinking about law?"

I shook my head, "You know it's kind of funny...I was talking to Ryder today and after giving it a lot of thought I don't think I do want to go to school for law anymore.."

He nodded, "you do whatever you'd like to do gorgeous, and I'm going to be proud of whatever your decision is in the end."

I left hi to finish up his reports and I text my mom to let her know I wasn't coming home. I also text my sister since I felt like I hadn't talked to her in forever.

[Harper: Hey Val, just checking in on you...I miss you.]

[Valerie: I was actually just thinking about you today...Mom said you practically live with B now...congrats.]

I smirked, and replied.

[Harper: As much as I'm sure he'd love me to...I'm unofficially moved in.]

[Valerie: Unofficially?]

I sighed and mauled my words over before texting her back.

[Harper: I spend most nights here but I can't commit to just moving in with him...we haven't even been together a full month yet.]

[Valerie: I get it, and just listen to your instincts...you're smart so don't second guess things H.]

[Valerie: I have a community thing tonight so I have to go...let's see each other soon.]

We text our goodbyes and I felt better having talked to with her, if even briefly.

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