Unsure Love

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Hey guys! Here is another chapter! I will make all chapters over 1000 words because I love making this series! I hope you love reading this series too! Here we go!

(Ash's POV)

"SERENA!" I had escaped from Miette just to check on Serena and here she was.

"Ash wait up-.." Clemont, Bonnie, and Miette had chased me and finally caught up to me.

"Serena! Oh no!" Bonnie climbed on to Serena's body that fell to the ground. Maybe everything in life went by so fast for her. Miette didn't seem to care that much. The rest of us were horrified.

"I wonder why Serena did this?" Clemont had tears in his eyes and so did Bonnie.

I turned around to Miette in anger, "Do you even care what is happening?!" I yelled, making Miette look down at the body.

"Yeah, I just think this is a waste of time though, she's already dead." Miette rolled her eyes.

Clemont's eyebrows tilted up, "So what if she is dead, we still care for her!" Bonnie got in the conversation too, "And that's what friends do!" 

"You don't seem like a good friend to Serena. Did you want this to happen?!" Bonnie burst into tears.

"I guess, try  to bring her back.." Miette said sarcasticly. Clemont held Bonnie like a parent would to their baby. 

Clemont opened a page with a book, "Here! It says, use CPR or maybe take her to the hospital!"

"CPR? Who will do that?" Miette looked at the three of us. That was a good question, but there was no time to think.

"I will do it!" I announced and I started pounding on Serena's chest with my hands. I would then go mouth to mouth and give her some of my air from my mouth. I kept repeating the pattern until I was too tired to do anymore.

*Cough* I heard a cough and it came from.. Serena!

"W-what happened?" Serena looked around.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" Bonnie squealed and hugged her. Serena hugged her back and pet her head. Serena half-hugged Clemont and then she came up to me.

"You saved me, right?" she asked, "Bonnie told me everything.." I smiled at her. It was great to have her back.

"Yeah!" I responded, then Serena gave me a hug. She felt very warm and her honey-blonde hair rested on my chest. Serena let go and then looked around. She had a tear in her eye.

"I'm sorry I was such a burden," she mumbled, "I stoped you and Miette from having your" she seemed angry at the last word, "Date.."

"Alright then, Ash!" Miette grabbed my hand, tugging me to her direction for our date. This time, everyone came along because Bonnie was pulling Serena. When we reached a resturant, we picked a booth to sit at.

Serena sat on the left one so I sat next to her, Miette then sat next to me on the outisde. Clemont and Bonnie sat at the right booth. I heard Bonnie giggle.

(Serena's POV)

I was wondering why they didn't leave me to die. No time to think about that, I can think about it another day. I was actually really hungry. I sat down on a booth and Ash sat next to me then Miette. Ash wanted to sit next to me? I knew why Miette sat next to Ash on the outside. And it also made sense for the siblings to sit next to eachother, but why me and Ash? Bonnie sat in front of me, while Clemont sat in front of Ash.

"Hello! What would you like to order?" a girl with dark green hair and blue overalls. She wore dark green converse and the overall bottoms were ripped. Her hair was in two pigtails, they were long though.

"Hi, I am Mallow! I'm your waiter! What would you like to drink?" she smiled and looked at all of us.

Clemont raised his hand first, "Could I please get some Sprite?" Clemont looked at Bonnie, hoping she would talk next.

"Okie! I want coke!" Bonnie squeaked.

"You are too young for that, so if you want a sugary drink, get Fanta or Root Beer!"

"Fine.. I will get Fanta.." 

"I would like some Pepsi!" Ash rested his back on the booth, signaling for me and Miette to order.

"Can I get diet coke?" I asked, looking at Mallow.

"And I would like some alcohol please!" Miette had a evil grin on her face. I thought she might be the type who likes to get drunk. We weren't ordering that because of the last time we got drunk.

Mallow came back with our drinks and then she asked us what we wanted to eat. We then ate and drank and we left to a Pokémon Center. Me and Bonnie stayed in the main area while the other three left somewhere.

Bonnie and I sat down on little chairs. "Now, you still like Ash, right? You are upset that he chose Miette!" Bonnie gave me a sly look.

"M-maybe, but how did you know?" I asked.

"Ha! So it's true!" 


"Well, I am here to help you get him back! I will give you training lessons every day! So you better meet me up everyday or you won't get Ash back!" Bonnie explained, making sure I was listening every couple of words.

"Alright, the day you need to confess, has to be before the end of the year!"

"Why the end of the year?" 

"Simple, Ash and Miette could have already gotten married, had a child, and Ash will be going to another reigon! Remember?" Bonnie gave me a sad look, worried for me. I knew I wanted to be with Ash, but Bonnie doesn't know the simplest thing about love! She's 8 for goodness sake! Bonnie waved her hand in front of my head.

"I know what you are thinking by your facial expression.." Bonnie sighed. Maybe I was wrong, time to test Bonnie's love skills!

"So, a boy is already taken and you want him! Step 1 from Bonnie! Don't kill yourself, that's just the same as giving up.." Bonnie mumbled, remembering what had happened earlier.

"Heh.. Sorry," I sweatdropped. I didn't think talking about that was a good idea so I tried to change the subject, "Step 2?" I asked, waiting for an answer.

"Ah, yes! Do things to make you look pretty! Or.. hot!" she giggled. How would I do that?

"I know how you can do it," Bonnie smiled. Was this kid a psychic? I looked at her, determinded for help, "Make the guy want your body or somethin' like that. Try to flirt!" Bonnie laughed, trying to imagine me flirting. Another chuckled came out of Bonnie's mouth.

"NO WAY I'M DOING THAT LAST PART!" I yelled. Some people looked at me and Bonnie, but then turned around. Bonnie sighed in relief.

"You've got to keep it down! Now, let's see what the others are doing!" she led me down the hall way and we peeked through the creek between the door and the wall. What I saw, led me to crying. Miette and Ash were kissing. I was crying silently, but I didn't understand, that is what couples do, right? Bonnie pulled me to the restroom. 

"I'm sorry.. But don't give up!" Bonnie reassured me. I wiped the tears from me quickly. Bonnie was right! I won't give up until it's over!

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