Chapter 2: I will end you!!

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2 weeks later

My heart shattered as I saw Yuri run out of the club room. Tears filled her eyes.

I had taken it too far.



"I-I really don't like soda," Yuri stammered, "the sodium, I-Its too fizzy." She pushed the bottle away from me.

"Whatever Baka, you should be tougher," I rolled my eyes and took a sip of the now discarded soda. "Your just too weak!"


"In fact!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms, "I saw you getting bullied the other day! You couldn't even say 'no' to them!" I knew I had pushed her a bit too far.


"Baka! You can't even stand up for yourself! No wonder your so bad at socializing, you can't even summon up the courage to get past hello!" Those words hurt. I couldn't imagine how Yuri was feeling right now. I knew I had hit a venerable spot. "That's why you have no friends outside of the club!"

"Y-Your r-right..." she murmured. "I-I am w-weak..."

"Wait Yuri..."


My heart throbbed. Tears stung my eyes. "What have I just done? The girl of my dreams is crying because of me!" The thought hurt, but soon I saw Monika run after Yuri.

Sayori glanced at me, a pained look in her eyes. "Natsuki... y-you took it too far..." She shook her head and ran out of the club room, following Monika. Leaving me alone in the club room.

Seeing Yuri so hurt. For the past two weeks, that was everyday. Insulting had poking fun at her insecurities. It hadn't made me hate her, it had drawn me closer. Also, it made me hate myself.

I couldn't dare to look at her hurt face, or that broken smile she put on when Monika asked if she was okay. It was all caused by me. Stupid, useless, pathetic me.

I ran out of the club room, and looked at the girls bathroom door. I pressed my ear against the door.


"I-It just a-adds o-onto the other stresses of life."

"Yuri don't let her comments get to you."

"Yeah, she is sorta acting ruder towards you these few weeks."

"I-I don't understand, I-I thought w-we were friends, o-or at least d-didn't hate each other."

"Yuri, I have a plan!"

"Monika? Whaattt are you thinking."

"I'm gunna match you up with someone around the school!"


"I feel like a relationship would be good for you!"

"OoOoOooO Yuuuurriiiiii, whadda say?


"Okay! Boy or girl, or both?"


"Okay! Its a deal! Me and Monika, the lovely matchmakers of 2018 will find you a lovely girl to hang out with!"

"T-Thanks g-guys..."

The world around me seemed to swirl. "No. No. NO. NO! This couldn't be happening" I thought. "I didn't want this! No no no! I have to stop them! I need to confess my love for Yuri! If only I wasn't so stubborn! Ugh!"

I ran back to the club room and pretended to write a poem. They soon walked in, Monika was grinning while Sayori spat out a bunch of random girl names around the school.






They all looked at me for a moment, their faces a mixture of disappointment and rejection, before returning back to their conversation.

"Shhhhiiii- okay... let's just apologize, and maybe she will forgive me, then kiss me, then date me, we get engaged, then marr- okay that went too far. But apologizing is the least I can do!"

I stood up. Causing the room to go silent. All eyes on me. My head overflowing with emotions. I approached Yuri, my heart seemed to pound. I screwed my eyes shut, opened my mouth, and hoped for the best.

"Y-Yuri, I-I want to s-say sorry for acting t-the way I-I did b-back t-then or whatever. I j-just feel really bad, s-so shame on y-you for making m-me feel s-so terrible." I opened one eye to glance at Yuri. She had a bright beautiful smile painted across her face, and it made me heart leap.

"T-thank you Natsuki." She said kindly before she was interrupted by Monika.

"Wow, I never expected you to apologize Natsuki." She raised a finger into the air, "I knew you would come through!"

Sayori, who was currently on Monika's lap and questioning Yuri, looked even more surprised than Monika. "Yay! I knew you had it in you Nat!"

I recoiled, but ended up giving in, "Y-Yeah, w-whatever... what are you guys talking about?" Sayori's face lit up, and Monika giggled.

"Monika and I are trying to find Yuri a girlfriend!" Sayori exclaimed, poking Yuri in the shoulder.

"T-This is r-really e-embarrassing," Yuri stuttered out, covering her face with her hair while fiddling with one the long purple locks.

"Oh," I said, "I hope you find someone." My heart was crying. I hope I hid it well. I walked away and plopped down onto the desk next to my backpack. I slowly took out my diary, and took out a pencil.


Dear diary,

I am so pissed right now. Monika and Sayori are not helping! I thought that being mean to Yuri would make me hate her, but it just made me crush on her even more!

Arghhhhhh!!!! I can't even get her off of my mind! Where did I get this overwhelming crush? Oh god I hate it, but I love her.

This is so stupid... but I can't help it... is it normal to like girls this much? 

Now, Monika and Sayori are trying to find Yuri a girlfriend, and that girlfriend isn't meeee!!!!!

I have to stop them and I have to confess my love for her before it's too late! Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm writing this in the literature club so I'll probably have to go soon.



Closed the book quickly and turned around to find Monika leaning over my shoulder.

"I didn't expect that."

"Fucking Monikammmmmmm!" I stuffed the book in my backpack and standing up, "how long have you been there?"

"Hehe, long enough!" She smiled, but soon that smile disappeared, and she crossed her arms "why do you treat her so badly if you like her so much?" I looked around to make sure Yuri and Sayori weren't around. "They left already. Answer me Natsuki."

"I-I, ugh, I just..... I thought maybe if I ignored her, then I wouldn't like her anymore." I looked away. She had one my biggest secrets in her mouth, and she was probably willing to use it.

"Now, I guess you don't want us to find Yuri a girlfriend..." she paused for a moment, "but I feel as if you would be a bad GF to her."

"N-NO! I-I would be t-there for her, and I would care for her... and I... UGH Why am I telling you this?" I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Heh, okay, I'll help you get Yuri, but I'll have to tell Sayori, so she can stop trying to find Yuri a girl."

"Fine! Whatever Baka Taco!" I picked up my backpack and began to walk out of the room, " if you even give Yuri the slightest hint I like her... I WILL END YOU!"

I stormed out of the classroom.

Its not like I like you or anything Baka (Yuri x Natsuki)Where stories live. Discover now