Battle Training

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"Blake! Sarah! Are you both ready yet! I need to see Jasper!" I screamed up the stairs. Let me tell you I am a very impatient person and these idiots are taking forever I said nine its nine o two. "Jesus Bailey chill out were here." Blake said. Thank god I was about to kill them both. "Okay lets go, we will just vamp speed there its quicker." They nodded. We left the house in a hurry vamp speeding to the cullen home and dropping our bags off. "So where are we meeting them again?" Sarah asked. I had to think, shit I forgot. "Uh I actully forgot Ill just use my senses." Being a tribrid means I have abnormally high senses, like smell. "Got em, to the left about four miles." They both nodded and we vamo spend to a clearing. In the middle the most beautiful family I have laid eyes on.

"Bailey Blackwood its a pleasure to see you again!" Before I could react I had a cold pale body wraped around me

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"Bailey Blackwood its a pleasure to see you again!" Before I could react I had a cold pale body wraped around me. Looking at the bautiful blonde locks I knew it was Jaz. "I missed you too Jasper." I then hugged him back. It felt amazing to see my best friend again. "Nice to see you cullens as well." Blake noted and smirjed at Roselie. She rolled her eyes as Emmet pulled her closer. After removing from Jasper. Edweirdo walked over with a human. "Bailey this is Bella my mate." I smiled at her. She was very beautiful for a human, I could tell she was quite clumbsy by the dirt around her knees letting me kbow she already fell. "Very nice to meet you bella." I shook her hand and she gasped." Your not cold like the cullens?" I laughed as well as Sarah. "Well my sister Sarah and I are very different from there kind, my brother us like them." She seemed to understand and nodded. I was going to say sonething else until we herd a branch snap. I herd Sarah and Blake gasp. As I turned around I was not prepared for the sight that I saw. Giant wolves, well shifters I guess but wow.

I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face

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I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. They were beautiful. I couldn't help but feel deawn to the silver wolf, he seemed expecially beautiful. "Welcome!" Was all I herd Carslile say I was too busy looking at the wolf. I was so mesmerized by him until Carllisle called my name. "Huh? What?" The Cullens laught while my siblings smirked. "I asked you to step forword and tell the wolves who you are." I felt my face heating up, "uh yeah sure." I stepped forword and then made eye contact with the beautiful gray wolf. I saw his jaw go slack. The other wolves looked at him like he was insane until the big black one growled. "Well uhm im Bailey Blackwood, im A tribrid." All the wolves looked at my crazy until Edward spoke. "They want you to explain what that is." I nodded at Edward before I spoke,"Well I was born a siphon witch meaning I didnt have my own power, I stole from others. When I was eighteen I was attacked by a Vampire he fed me his blood before snapping my neck. When I woke up I was starving I ended up killing a young college girl that a regret every day then I figured out I was a werewolf as well. My shift happend right after." I felt ashamed when I told them my story. Some of the wolves looked in pity the others looked ready to kill me. "Bailey they want to know what your diet is now, and how you know us," Edward said. I looked back to the wolves. "Well now I only drink from blood bags, whitch I brought with me, and I know the Cullens through Jasper, I saved his life back durring the civl war." Some of the wolves looked really confused. "And before you ask I am three hundred and eighteen years old, any more questions?" Edward shook his head no. I was back to not paying attention while Jasper was speaking. I held eye contact with the silver wolf again. I then looked over at Emmet and Blake fighting eachother whitch Emmet obviously won. He made my brother look weak I hated that. "Me versus Emmet." I spoke before anyone else could. Jasper smirked as well as blake. Before I could step forword the silver wolf jumped infront of me growling at Emmett. I herd the black one growl at him, his head slumped and he stalked back to his pack. "Don't hold back." I told Emmett with a smirk. "Not in my nature." He said before charging at me. I easily kicked him in his chest sending him in the air. Before he could hit the ground I vamo sped to him to slam him down. I herd him groan before I flipped him back up and twisted his right arm behind his back and flashed my purple tribrid eyes and put my fangs by his neck. All of the wolves flinched. "I win" then I threw him to the ground and went back to normal and smirked. "That is so not fair your stronger than everyone here." I laughed at Emmett and helped him up. " Don't show my brother up like that again." He laughed and went back to Rose. I smirked at the wolves before speeding back to my siblings. I kept starring at the silver wolf that would not break eye contact with me. Soon enough training was over for the day. Before the wolves left I yelled, "Goodbye pretty silver wolf!" It looked like he turned around and smirked at me before following off after the big black wolf. For some odd reason I just knew that I was never leaving Forks Washington again, this was my home. That wolf was my new home no matter what any body else has to say he was mine.

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