Stupid Vampire

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"Yo whoever it may concern im going for a walk, this house is killing me!" I screamed through the cullen home. I have been sitting around wasting away here doing nothing. Before I walked to the door I herd Jasper, "Stay to our side of the treaty line don'trea need you pissing off the wolves." I rolled my eyes before going outside. I always loved being outside expecially when I was human. I was outside hiking the day I was attacked by the vampire.

I felt the hot tears streaming down my face. How could he! How could he just throw everything we have been through away like that! My fiance! Sleeping with my bloody sister! I just kept walking not paying attention to anything at all. "Baliey stop!" I herd the voice I knew I did not wish to hear . "What do you want stay away from me! Where is Sarah I would rather speak to her than you ashley! My fiance mine! You couldn't find any other man to bed?" I felt myself crying more and more. Tears blurred my vision. Sarah came running twords us. "How could you do this to our sister Ashley!" Sarah was livid. She always looked out for me and made sure I was okay. "I am sorry sister you have to believe me!" I rolled my tear stained eyes. I would never forgive her, little did I know I would never get the chance sisters continued to argue when I herd a branch snap. Sarah and Ashley must have as well because they were deathly silent. "D-did you hear that?" Ashley stuttered. I put my finger to my mouth signaling her to be quiet. Then as quick as I did that everything was black I felt lile I was burning. I couldnt move, nor cry. What was happening? Where are my sisters? A few hours or so later I woke up with my throat burning. I looked to my right and saw sarah crying over something. "S-sarah." Quick as a flash she was by my gripping me tight. "S-shes dead Bailey, the red head killed her. She bloody killed her." From that moment my life would never be the same. But what did Victoria and James leave Sarah and I alive?

I was inturrupted from my memmories by twigs snapping. I looked to my right and smirked. Purched up on a high branch was none other than Victoria. "Hello Bailey, good to see you again." The Stupid Vampire had the nerve. "Victoria, how is james? Oh sorry forgot Edweirdo killed him." I internally patted myself on the back for that one. She hissed at me. "How dare you! We gave you life!" After that comment I was steaming. I never noticed the audience we gained on the otherside of the small river. "Life! Bullshit! You ruined my life! You killed my suster and turned me into a bloody demon!" At that I launched at her and tackled her to the ground. It was a blur of punches. I let all of yhat anger out on her face, it was starting to crack before I got distracted by the wolves howling. I looked up to be knocked down on my ass. Victoria smirked before disappearing yet again. "God damn it!" I looked over and saw all of the wolves were looking at me. "Stupid mutts! I almost had her, I should.." I didnt get to finnish before sarah showed up, "what happened?" I was so pissed off, I was full on glarring at the silver wolf. He put his head down and started whining. "Nothing Bloody wolves caused me to lose focus and Victoria got away." I watched as Sarah flinched. I guess the wolves noticed they looked to be trying to solve a puzzel. "V-victoria is here." My sister looked pained I mean I am too. I may have been pissed but Ashley was my sister too. "She was my sister as well Sarah. Not much we can do but kill the leech." With that my anger dissolved. I looked at the silver wolf to see he was looking right at me. "Im heading back, i have had enough disapointment for one day." I turned and vamp sped back to the Cullen home. When I got inside Jasper came up to me. "Are you okay bailey." No Jaz im not." Jasper was my best friend he always would be. He is the only person who knew of my self hate for the death of my sister, he also knew of what Ashley and Roy did to me to break my heart. The pain that wont leave ir ever just go away.

Sarah and I had just picked the flowers that would be the centerpeices for my wedding. I sighed. My wedding less than a month away and I would become Mrs. Roy Weston. I couldn't contain the large broad grin on my face. "What is with that grin love, since we are done early why don't we go see Roy!" Sarah said. She always had lovley idead that I stood behind. Suddenly I lost my grin on the way to Roys home. "Do you think our brother will come to the wedding? " It hurt my feelings that my older brother refused to come. He despised Roy, he believed him unfaithful. My Roy would never do that so I stood up for him, ruining my relationship with my brother. "Im sure he shall come around dear sister do not worrie." I smiled at Sarah. Soon we were at Roys home. I pushed open the door to what seemed like an empty home. I was going to say something to Sarah when we herd what sounded like moaning. I felt the breath leave my lungs. Sarah must have herd the same thing because in in instant she grabbed my had and dragged me up the stairs tword our future bedroom, the room I would give myself to Roy, my husband. When Sarah pushed the door open my eyes nor my heart were ready for what I saw. My futre husband, my Roy, was bedding my Sister my oldest sister. They must have herd the gasp that left my lips. The pulled aoart quicker than you could say shit. Roy looked content while Ashley looked torn. "Bailey.." she tried. Sarah started her psychoness.I looked at Roy who smirked at me. My brother was right he didn't love me he never could. He planned for me to find out before the wedding, I was a fool. I felt hot tears stinging my eyes. I ran as fast as I could tword the woods, the place I felt at home.

"Ill be fine Jasper, I need sleep." I went to bed that night dreaming of a russet skinned man with a smirk that didn't seem evil lile Roy, but beautiful like him.

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