James and Lily

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Lily sat in the Gryffindor common room, writing in her diary, on Christmas Eve. It was quiet, because everyone was at the feast, but Lily wanted some peace and quiet from that idiot Potter and his group of imbeciles. Just as she was finishing her latest entry, someone climbed through the portrait hole.

"Evans, just the girl I wanted to see. What do you say I make this your best Christmas ever?" James asked arrogantly, his posse following close behind him. Pettigrew laughed rather loudly, Sirius smirked, and just Remus rolled his eyes.

"Bugger off Potter." Lily growls, slamming her diary and standing up to go to her dormitory. Just as she turned around, her diary disappeared from her hands.

"Ooh hoo hoo! What have we got here?" Potter says, flipping the pages of the diary. Lily turned as red as her hair.

"Potter you tosspot! Give it back!" Lily screamed as she lunged for the book. But James was to tall, and held the book just above her head, taunting her.

"Hmm, I don't think so. I think I'll hang on to it for a bit. I've been looking for a book to read that's worth my time. Haven't I Padfoot?" James asks Sirius, tossing Lily's diary to him. Sirius nodded and catches it, "Oh yes, Prongs has been looking for a good book for quite some time now." Peter began laughing even louder now. Remus let out an exasperated sigh and sat down on one of the chairs with a book, knowing intervening was futile.

Sirius and James continued tossing the book back and forth over Lily's head until Lily had had enough.

"James Potter! Give me my book back NOW!" Lily shouts, pointing her wand at him. Everyone stopped laughing, and James gave her book and smiled.

"Alright Evans, no need to get your wand in a knot. Happy Christmas." James says. Lily grabs the book and turns around, but as she does, James runs up behind her and kisses her cheek.

"Happy Christmas Evans!" James yells as him and his posse run out of the portrait hole laughing.

Lily's face turns as red as her hair and she screams at the top of her lungs, "POTTER!"

Lily ran out of the common room and took off down the empty corridor, wand drawn, hunting for any sign of Potter or Black. She knew Remus wasn't enthusiastic about Potter's unending endeavors, and Pettigrew was pretty much harmless.

She was just about turn back when she felt hands grab her arms. She whirled around and saw none other than James Potter.

"Let go of me Potter or I swear I won't hesitate to curse you into oblivion." she snarled at James trying to wrestle out of his grip.

"Come on Evans, hear me out." James pleaded, looking into her eyes. Lily stared back and stopped struggling, seeming to believe he wouldn't try and kiss her this time.

"Please, just give me one chance. One chace away from Sirius, Remus, and Peter, for you to see what I'm really like. Please?" he held her arms tightly now, his eyes pleading.

Lily gave him a long hard look before saying, "Alright Potter. One chance to show me you're not the arrogant toerag you act like. ONE chance only."

James' face broke into a huge grin, like a child on Christmas morning. He picked her up and quickly kissed her on the lips, and gently setting her down, still smiling.

"May I walk you back to the common room Miss Evans?" he asked, offering his arm out to her. She rolled her eyes, but took his arm and they walked back to the Gryffindor common room together, both with genuine smiles on their faces.

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