Harry and Ginny

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hey so i wrote these sometime last year (the third is the most recent) and i realized i never published this so here you go :)

Ginny sat in her swimsuit on the edge of the lake that lay a few minutes outside the burrow. She was alone, or atleast she thought. She had taken Hermione and Ron out there, with her brothers and a few people they had brought. She lay out under the setting sun, her eyes closed as her long, hip length hair was tied up in a bun. She sighed, look around as she heard footsteps. Her heart jumped as Harry spoke, her eyes still closed but her body and nerves at alert.

 "What are you doing all alone out here?" he says coming up and sitting next to her. She turns to him and smiles. "Oh nothing, I just wanted some peace and quiet for a change. Care to join me?" she asks, moving over a bit, patting the spot beside her.

She looked down, pushing some strands of hair back as he smiled and sat. She smiled and leaned her head only his shoulder sighing.

 He put his arm around her shoulder. "So what's been on your mind? You've been like this ever since the war and Fred's- since a few weeks ago." he asked her. She rubbed her hand over her face and inhaled sharply.

 She looked down, her eyes low, "I know, I'm sorry." She said, her eyes tracing up his face. She looked over at him, her eyes lightly on his lips. She sighed, building enough courage to kiss him.

But she didn't have to. He leaned down and softly kissed her. As he pulled away, he drew her into a hug. Built up tears started to fall from her eyes. Harry rubbed her back and whispered comforting words to her while she cried. The memory of the war threatened to make tears spill out of his own eyes, but he had to stay strong for Ginny.

She kissed his jawline, breathing in heavy, "You can cry." She said, kissing his neck too.

He nodded, closed his eyes and a single tear ran down his cheek. Ginny looked up at him, cupped his face in her hands and brushed it away with her thumb. He reached up and took her hand, and kissed her again.

She kissed him back, feeling his cool hands on her hand. She bit his lower lip, her breathing heavy. His arms wrapped around her waist, and hers around his neck. She gave a slight smile against his lips, and fell back into the grass, letting Harry fall on top of her. Her hands ran through his hair, her breathing hitched. She smiled back at him, kissing him again as she rested  her tongue on his lower lip, awaiting his response.

Harry let out a small laugh, "Well that's one way to put us in a better mood." and he kissed her back more passionately.She laughed, kissing him back as she opened her mouth slightly in the kiss, "It's a pretty good way." She said, rubbing his back.

 Harry stopped for a moment, tilted his head upwards, and secured his arms around her waist. "Harry, what are you doing?" Ginny asked a little confused. He just smiled slyly, and rolled them both over into the water.

Ginny didn't have time to scream as they hit the shallow water. When they emerged from the water, Harry was laughing and Ginny was pretending to be angry at him. "Harry! That was not funny!" she says, crossing her amrs. When he kept laughing, she began to splash him. He fell back into the lake, trying to deflect the water pelting his face. But just before he fell back, he grabbed her hand and she fell with him. When they resurfaced again, Harry took off his now sopping wet shirt and threw it to the shore. "Come on! I bet I can beat you to the other side!" he shouted as he took off. "You're on!" she yelled back, diving into the water after him.

They spent the remaining hours of sunlight like that, swimming, and splashing, just having fun. Fun they haven't had since the war. "Race you back to the Burrow!" Ginny called, running towards the towering house. Harry came up behind her quickly, tackling her to the ground and kissing her roughly. Ginny giggled and Harry smiled in between kisses. By now, the sun was completely gone. "We should probably head back, mum will go berserk." Ginny stated as Harry traced kisses up her neck and jaw bone. Harry let out a groan and mumbled something into her neck. Ginny rubbed her hand through his hair and sighed. She didn't want to have to go inside either. She didn't want to face Mum, who constantly checked and re- checked to see if everyone was safe, Percy, who never spoke to anyone, or George, spending days on end locked in his room, all alone. She didn't want to have to face the reality. She wanted to stay outside with Harry forever, not feeling the sadness that hung heavy around the house that harbored so much happiness once.

Suddenly, Harry got up. He took her hand and helped her to her feet as well. Harry didn't let go of her hand as he got down on one knee. Ginny blushed scarlett.

"Ginny, I know we're both still young, and not at all ready, but I want you to know, I love you, and I always will. So, one day, when we're both ready, will you marry me?" Harry asked, holding out a silver necklace with a small silver banded ring with a small ruby on it. "It's a promise ring." Harry tells her.

"Yes Harry, yes!" Ginny grinned as Harry put the necklace on her. When he was done, she screamed in excitement and threw her arms around his neck, knocking them both off ballance, Ginny falling on top of Harry. She kissed him, and she was completely happy, and for the first time, in a long time, she felt safe.

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