It Shouldn't Be You, But It Is

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Two weeks later, Wanda checked back into the same hotel room, but this time, Vision was waiting for her. He was in his fake human disguise, which she found to be attractive, but she did honestly love his red skin more. When he heard her enter, he turned from where he was standing at the window and smiled at her. Her brave face crumbled, and she dropped her bag, walking up to him. He pulled her close and ran one of his hands through her hair.

"Two weeks is too long, Vis," she whispered, breathing in his scent. He did smell like computers, but he also smelled like home. Would she ever be able to return to the compound, to the tower? Or would she be resigned to live in Wakanda the rest of her life? Not that she didn't like Wakanda. T'Challa was a kind ruler, and Shuri had become a fill-in best friend, but she still strongly missed Vision and Natasha.

"I'm sorry..." He breathed back, pressing a kiss into her hair. "I cannot leave more often, or else Mr. Stark would get suspicious. Even staying longer than a weekend would be too dangerous. He could find you..." He buried his face in her hair, which smelled of rose. His sensors knew this was a pleasant smell, and he felt warmth as he inhaled more of her scent. "I cannot lose you."

"You won't. I'm not going anywhere." She responded, leaning in to kiss him again. "Let's stay in Edinburgh. Forget our responsibilities. Retire. Live...normal lives." He pulled back just before their lips touched.

"I cannot live a normal life, Wanda." He responded sadly, letting his mystical disguise fade away to show his true form. "I do not age, most likely. I cannot give you children." He had thought a lot about the things he could not give her, and how, one day, he would watch her die. He hated this thought, but he hated the idea of living without her, even if it was only for another seventy years, even more.

"I don't need or want children. All I need and want is you. Forget the other things. You are the most important thing to me." She responded, sliding her fingers against the electric circuits in his skin. "I love you this way the most. Not in that human disguise. But as you. Just you. Truly you."

"How can you love this? I'm not human. I don't even know what I am." He responded, letting himself feel her fingers against his face. As always, her fingers were warm.

"Love does not have to have a reason, Vis. Love just is." Wanda whispered, allowing herself to get closer to his face. "I just want you, nothing else." Before he could argue, she pushed herself closer to him and captured his lips with her own, trying to get him to feel what she felt. "I know who you are. You know who you are." {a/n: wait, Moana reference?}

"You will die one day. When you die, I'll die, too. Maybe not physically." He murmured sadly, so low she nearly missed it. She shook her head, their foreheads pressed together.

"Remember what you said to Ultron?" She asked. He thought back through his memory banks. "You said, 'a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts.' Our love, Vis, isn't beautiful because we will live forever - it's beautiful because we won't." She sighed, leaning back a bit. "If you think that you can't be with me because someday I'll die a natural death, then why are you here?"

"Because I love you." He responded bluntly. She smiled. "You're right, you know. I don't know why I worry about these things - you are my everything."

After their conversation ended, the two decided to trek out to Edinburgh, to get some fresh air and get the opportunity to act like a real couple for the first time in almost a year. She had forgotten how naturally it felt to walk beside him, fingers intertwined, walking along the cobbled streets and chatting about normal things.

If anything, their lives weren't normal. Vision, was, essentially, the property of Tony Stark. He was still being sent on missions by Agent Hill and Tony, working alone. Wanda was training to go out on missions with Nat and Sam, perhaps trying to locate the big guy. They had commitments. They made promises. But not to each other.

The only promises they had made to each other was to meet at designated times. To feel, to be. But nothing more. It never could be anything more, not while Wanda and the rest of the makeshift Avengers were on the run. They couldn't call themselves that, though. Not that they wanted to. The Avengers weren't the same without Vision, without Thor and Bruce, without Hawkeye, and even without Tony. The world was broken, and so were they.

But even in this broken world, there is happiness. And Wanda and Vision were trying to achieve that, through stolen moments and limited time. They wanted to make promises. But they couldn't. Not with the way the world was. Not with Steve and Tony having a marital spat - at least, that's what it felt like. The rest of them were like children, forced to choose one parent. They had made their choices, and they had broken bonds because of those choices.

Wanda and Vision were far from the ones that lost the most. Scott and Clint lost their freedom. Steve lost his best friend again, and his teammates. Natasha had nothing left to lose but the trust of those around her. And somehow, even though Wanda and Vision had lost each other, they found their way back together.

They always had, ever since that day in Sokovia when he saved her from the falling city. They had beaten all odds while she suffered nightmares and he consoled her. They found each other at the airport, too. Apologized. But Vision could not step forward and stop the U.N. from putting her in handcuffs. He wanted to. She wanted him to. But they both knew that the only chance of bringing the band back together was to have someone on the outside.

Vision hated being alone. Playing chess alone was excruciatingly boring. Even though he never lost to anyone, he preferred the company of another as the pieces got shifted around. He didn't have anyone to talk to during those sleepless nights - because he didn't need to sleep. He spent his waking hours - which was all of his hours - training, trying to find her, and going on missions for the U.N.

Wanda wasn't alone. She trained day in and day out with Natasha and Sam. Sometimes Steve would join. He wasn't Captain America anymore; how could he be? He laid down the shield, he abandoned the country that had abandoned him. Sam started mockingly calling Steve 'Nomad', and surprisingly, it stuck. Wanda wasn't alone, and sometimes her outings or nights in with Shuri would make her feel content, but she felt alone. Before, there was Pietro. When Pietro died, there was Vision. And then there was no one.

The weekends they shared together were mostly spent in the hotel room. Some breaks between encounters would be months, but they kept their mental connection open so they could speak. Vision assured her that it was safe. He placed every guard he could up against Stark tech.

After three years of meeting in secret, something shifted.

The stone began to hurt.

{A/N: the next chapter will be the last. I've kind of lost motivation to write this story - but my one-shots are going strong, and my other fic, Spirits Lifted, has a few chapters left until the conclusion. The next chapter will contain epic spoilers for IW, so please be prepared.}

I Just Feel You // A Scarlet Witch and Vision FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now