Twilight 1: How did this happen?

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"Gosh this is amazing," I said putting down my tablet. Currently, I am reading a story on Wattpad. The story is called 'Twilight: Amelia Rose Ravellino' (A/N: go check it out if you haven't lol >.<) and it's about this girl that is magically transported into the Twilight World. Well technically she didn't magically get there, first, she died but then an angel gave her a second chance to live her life, so same thing.... right?

But man, if I got the chance to magically transport to the Twilight world, what wouldn't I do? I truly believe I would fuck up shit from the start. First, I would mess with Edward since he could read minds and all. Then I would see if I could try and mess with Alice, but how would I mess with her since she could see the future? Mmm I don't know but one thing is for sure, I'll try pretty much everything I can. 

Oh, don't forget about the big guy, Emmet Cullen. I would have so much fun with Emmett. We'll prank so many people in the school. Emmett and I will get in trouble for no reason and the teachers will have to call our parents every other day because we did something we shouldn't have. And I am 100 percent certain that Rosalie and I would be best friends. We have that natural bitch face that people really don't like. Oh gosh and let's not forget about the War God Jasper Whitlock. We'll be best buds since we're both from Texas and we're both very strange, well according to others, we're 'strange'. 

And sure as hell I would bang Dr. Cullen. I mean who wouldn't? That man is a God!! But in all honesty, I really do like Dr. and Mrs. Cullen together. They do make a cute couple. But I think the Doctor and I make a better couple if you all know what I mean. Oh, relax I'm just messing with y'all... or am I? (smirky face) Talking about the supernatural creatures, I believe I'll be friends with the wolves. Just because I'm a total badass and because... well I want to be their friend.

I plop back down on my bed and look to my left out the window. Staring at the stars, I began wondering. What would I do if I was in Amelia's place? Or even Bella's? Would I mess things up or would I let everything happen such as Ms. Stephenie Meyer wrote out? All I know is that I'll have so much fun in the Twilight world and nothing will ever be the same. 

I turn to my left and grabbed a stuffed bear and deeply sighed. I saw a shooting star passing. "If only," I whispered. Closing my eyes I fell asleep thinking of Twilight.


"Annie... C'mon it's time to get up... AnneMarie!!!!!" said a voice I couldn't recognize.

"Mmmm noooooooo. Five more minutes!!!" I whined to that person. I heard whoever it was chuckle. Then a few seconds I felt someone shake me. Still, with my eyes closed, I tried to hit that person's hand off of me. This time I clearly heard them laugh and it was a girl's laugh.

"AnneMarie c' mon we'll be late for school and get this, Charlie got us a truck." said the same person. Instantly, that got my attention. Wait, school? AnneMarie? Charlie? Who got who a truck? And who the hell is that person in my room?

Quickly I open my eyes and I stared at an all-white wall with some pictures in the corner. Slowly I turn towards the unknown person and I couldn't believe my eyes. In front of me was someone I never expected to meet in a million years. In the middle of the room stood a 5'4 petite girl with chocolate brown eyes. And she had absolutely thick long, wavy chocolate brown hair. She had a small skinny nose, nice cheekbones, small lips, and thin straight eyebrows. 

The one and only Isabella 'Bella' Marie Swan from Twilight was standing in the middle of a room I didn't even recognize. She was staring at me weirdly almost as if she was confused herself. "What? What's wrong?" she asked, clearly confused to why I was staring at her with my mouth opened and my eyes popped out. 

Twilight: AnneMarie Charlotte SwanWhere stories live. Discover now