Her memories

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"Tomori!" That was my dad waking me up, ugh. "Get up now!" He shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up, I'm up" I called back, not very loudly. I begrudgingly sat up and yawned as I stretched. I made my way over to my closet and quickly threw my school uniform on. I ran down the stairs, jumping over the last step and onto the ground.

"Next time use every step, they are there for a reason" My dad scolded, walking into the living room and sitting on his arm chair. He refused to give up that seat to anyone, not even to guests. I went in and quickly ate my breakfast before grabbing my mini computer and sat down creating some code for my latest game.

"Come on, honey. It's time for school!" My mum said, walking over.

"Huh? Oh right! Bye mum!" I said, waking up from my coding gaze.

She fixed my tie quickly so it was straight, "Have fun at school!" She said, as I was walking out the door.

"I will!" Lies, I never enjoyed school, especially since those people came.

My dad drove me to school. I spent most of the car ride listening to music and coding, well what else was I meant to do? "Bye, have a good day at school, see you after!" My dad said, as I got out of the car and flung my bag over my shoulder.

"See ya! I will!" I called back as I walked off, stuffing my computer into a bag.

With in a matter of seconds of walking into the school building a group of three girls pushed me aside into a hallway. I knew what was going to happen so I just sighed and let them do it. By that I mean, I let them beat me up. It wasn't fun, not at all, and it hurt a lot, but I lived with it, I was used to it by now, still hurt though. Then the bell ring, "Saved by the bell" I mumbled, my throat hurt from one of them almost punching me in the throat. "Come on girls, see you later loser" The head girl of the team, Ashely, said walking off with the two girls close behind her. I fell to the ground, well at least one of my three daily school beatings are done. I shakely stood up and went into the bathroom to check if I had any bruises or anything like it. There was nothing visible that you could see, wasn't one of the worst beatings. I slowly went to my class and sat down at my seat in the back, I liked being in the back, made me go un noticed at times.

"Miss Yatsamia, your late" The teacher said, as I was walking in.

"Sorry Mrs, won't happen again" I told her, it would though, I was always late thanks to the bullying.

"That's what you say every time" The teacher muttered.

History went as quick as history itself and when it was finally over I was glad, one less subject of the day done! I headed over to my next class, Spanish. "¡Buenos días!" The teacher greeted us all.

"¡Buenos días seniour!" We all replied back. Spanish was actual a ok class, I somewhat enjoyed it, but it wasn't the best. Spanish went quick as usual and then it was on to break, aka the second getting bullied part. I stepped out of Spanish and went straight for the canteen, maybe I will be able to dodge them? That, of course, failed. This time they pulled me into a hall and started shouting names and curse words at me, this was the part I was fine with though, I just blocked them out of my mind. They eventually finished to get food so I went off too.

I had computing next and I was ahead of everyone else due to me being the Ultimate Game Developer. The next three classes went fast and it was lunch, also called the final part of bullying. As usual they pulled me into a hallway and punched, kicked and shouted at me, and again I ignored it all. The beatings happened so often that I just learnt to ignore them and got used to them. Lunch eventually ended a while after they left me alone and I managed to get through the last three classes.

"How was your day?" My dad asked, as I sat down in the car.

"Same as usual" I said, actually telling the truth.

"That's good" He smiled, if only he knew it wasn't.

"Hi mum!" I greeted as I got out the car.

"Hope you had a good day" My mum replied and I nodded. I got into my normal clothes and layed down on my bed and began coding while listening to music, now this was the life. It was how I spent practically all day, just listening to music as I worked on one of my new games or updated an old one. I didn't have any friends to hang out with and there wasn't much else to do so I had no choice to dot that, but I was fine with it.

I got bored after a while and headed downstairs so hear my dad on the phone. "That's wonderful! Mhm. Thank you so much, we will make sure she is there then! Thank you!" My dad said, hanging up on the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked, sitting down and putting my feet up on the table.

"That was the principle of Hope's Peak Academy" My dad said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Why was he calling?" My mum asked, walking in from out of the kitchen.

"He was offering a space at the school for Tomori" My dad said, cheerfully.

"They what?" I asked surprised, sitting up properly.

"They want you to attend the school since you are the Super High School Level Game Developer" My dad told us, proudly.

"That's amazing!" My mum exclaimed.

"So, I'm going to Hope's peak?" I asked, my eyes lighting up slightly. I was going to the dream school! No more bullying! No more beatings! A chance to actually make friends!

"Yep! They want to see you tomorrow!" My dad told me. This day was becoming great!

My dad drove me to Hope's Peak the next day and due to me being in a cheerie mood I was singing songs with my dad as we drove. We pulled up at the Academy and I said goodbye to my dad as I rushed out of the car door and over to the school, smilling, this was going to be great. I saw guy standing at the gates so I smiled and greeted him.

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