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                           23rd may, 2017.
Dear Dayo,
         It is your love Kate. I am so sorry, I am sorry for making you wait and wait. It has been long I received your letters, does that mean it is over?  What do you mean you don't know if you will be alive wherever I come back? Of course you will be alive, you will be alive to see your baby.

The first time you sent that letter, I read it but I was too heartbroken to respond. I kept reading and reading but I stopped when you called me a slut. I was disappointed, why would you ever think that of me? Dayo, I never stopped loving you, what you did hurt me but I never stopped loving you. I never moved on, how could I? I love you.

You have been writing to me for 50 days. I don't know what came over me, why would I be calling Rachel and I won't call my love? You have always been my love.

I finished reading all those letters two days ago and I cried after reading the last one. I thought you were a cheat but I was wrong. At times, people are vulnerable in some situations. Baby you have to be alive, I can't lose you. You have been the biggest helper in my life. You have helped me in bad and good times and you have always loved me.

You tried to forget me but you couldn't, you really loved me. I know that now. Baby please be alive. I will be coming to Nigeria tomorrow, I must see you at the airport. Baby I love you dearly.

I didn't know I hurt you this much. Please forgive me and please be alive. Be alive for me, your love.

Dayo, I am so so sorry. Forgive me. I will always love you. Forever and forever.

                              Your love,


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