chapter one.

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Aurora POV:

" Aurora"

He shout at a distance waving insanely he look every inch happy.
I brush away the little tears that has makes its way to my eyes.
And pick up my pace as I run faster the sloth can never reach me.

" I give up!!"

He raise his hand in surrender and he stop to catch a breathe panting heavily

" you always lost to me.."

I shouted at him as I keep running tonight I want to run to a place where there is no return so that when tomorrow comes I wouldn't be around to explain the crazy shits that happen for a month.

" will you please stop running.."
I could hear his voice from the distance.

" you are a bitch Aurora"

I could hear my inner self mocking out a lot. Had I taken the old woman seriously my silly wish won't actually turn into reality. I hate myself now more than I ever did in my life.

God the dam witch ask me to make a wish for helping her carry her stuffs.
That day I was heading home after school when I saw an old lady struggling with three or four bags in her hands I thought I should be helping her out of human nature.

After we reach her said apartment she asked me what would be the one thing I really wish to have for a month.

Without much thought I disclose to her that I would die to have August as my boyfriend. The next day he literally starts following me professing his love at first I had tears of joy swimming out of my eyes believing that our school most handsome guy had the same  feelings for me like I had for him.

It didn't took me long to realise that it wasn't him but the spell that make him like me. And when I realise the old woman had already disappeared like a wind.

" I caught you finally "
He swiftly had his arms around me  making me jump out of my thoughts.

" do you want to tell me what's bothering you "
He asked as those brown eyes met mine .

" nothing is bothering me.."
I replied confidently as I had my hands on his cheek.

" I hope you would remember me"

I didn't even know that i was crying till I felt a hand wiping away my tears.

" I hate it when you look so sad."
He got hold of my nose I tried to push his hands away but who am I kidding the holding got tighter.

" unless you return my girl her smile I won't let you breathe in peace.."
Did he just pull out a tongue

" there you go... That's my girl.."
He release his hands from my nose after I manage to give him a smile.
I hope I won't need a nose surgery .

Before I could think of anything else I felt his lips crushing on mine I didn't kiss back maybe I was too occupied with the future that I am forgetting the present.
He pull away his lips with a frown his hands roughly grabbing my waist.

" you didn't even realise that we are here to watch the setting of the sun.."

He turn me around to met the beautiful sun set to me it's the saddest sun set I have ever seen perhaps I don't want the sun to sleep away tonight and never let the darkness take over from it.

I look down at my watch which reads five pass thirty minutes. It's time to let go off my dreams and face the reality.

" will you walk me home.. "

" don't you want to watch the sun set it won't be long till the night sets in"
He asked a little confuse.

" we can watch it some other day right.. I have tons of work to be done i want to be home early today.."

" if you say so.. Wanna watch a movie with me.."

" didn't I just said that I am busy.."

" today you are a completely different person.. You sounds like we are never meeting again.. It's scares the hell out of me.. "

" suppose you forgot everything that happen between us.."

" do I have amnesia to forget what we have.. The moments spend with you are too precious to be forgotten.."
He cut me off rudely clearly disappointed at the silly question.

" i was just saying what if it happen.."

" don't you have anything to ask other than that.. "

" are you shouting at me.."

" yes becomes I feel like you might bring out the breakup topic any minute.."

" than shall we.."

" why should we break up when we are contend with our relationship..
Did i do something so wrong to deserve this.."
I have never seen him this angry and pissed off he won't even look in my direction.

" when did I said i want a breakup.. Can't i even tease you..."

" that wasn't a tease it was a warning"

" goodbye.. "

" you seriously.. "

" we have reach my home.. "

" we are not breaking up right.."

" last time I check I only love a boy that happens to be you.. I swear the earth that I won't.."

His lips met mine i fought hard with the tears threatening to fall as i kiss him back.

" I will pick you up tomorrow.. "

I nod my head too stiff to let out a word as he leaves i watch him disappear in the dark the tears i have been holding on rain down heavily.

Tonight the spell would be broken and everything would return to normal which means i have to wake up from my dream tonight..

Thirty one days with him was the best days of my life.. We had a crazy love like touring around the world in just a few days with lots of memories to cherish.

The clock struck six reminding me that my short love story with the school popular boy just ended like a dream never to be remember by anyone except for me..

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