Chapter twelve

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Aurora POV:

" you miss school again... How long are you going to do this.."

Danny question no sooner did I open the door. I have skips school for five days the rumours are at its peak and I am not ready to face it.

" you better come to school and clarify yourself... You have no idea what's going on behind your back in school.."

" every word of what they said is true.."

I clumsily answered showing no interest in arguing with him.

" Aurora you are unbelievable.. And I don't understand why would you call your relationship with August a spell work.. "

" I was a fool who wanted to date him and this witch make my wish come true.."

" you are making fun of yourself.. This excuse is not working for me.. You better talk it out with August he is waiting outside.."

" dick head why would I even see his face.."

I push the door out to see him waiting in the corridor. What the hell does he want from me now isn't he done insulting me.

" do you want me to put another spell on you.. What do you want now.."

I yelled out loud before I could even reach him. The last thing I need is to see his face again and be reminded of the crazy spell.

" I just wanted to see if you are doing good.."

" and are you suppose to care about that.. Please act like I don't even exist..
It will make me less uncomfortable.. "

I cut through his words because right now I am not in a state of being pitied.

" sorry.."

" for what..."

" for blaming you for all that has happen.. "

Did he realise that now and I thought it will take forever to hear those words.. Why is he going all soft on me now, why can't he be the arrogant August so I could stop my heart from beating wildly each time I see him.

" why should you be sorry when you have done nothing wrong... It was me and my silly wish.. You have every right to blame me.. "

" there is nothing wrong in making a wish.. You can called it fate that we loved through a witch.."

" did you lost your memories again.. You were the guy that left me in the rain right.."

" listen we can start over again.."

I pause for a minute did my ears just heard him right or is it my imagination. Is this a friendship call or something else.

" let's start dating.."

Honestly this wasn't something I planned or the witch work could it be that he is feeling sorry for me. There is no indication of any love or butterfly moments here. The eyes that hold so much love were empty and hard to read.

" are you making fun of me.. Or is this a part of your revenge.. Date again.. To began with we never dated for real.."

" than do you want the whole school to keep torturing you with their make up stories.."

" I did rather be called a witch than be in a relationship which is clearly out of sympathy.. You date because you are in love and not out of protecting someone.. "

" don't you want to date me??"

" naturally yes.. But I don't think that's going to happen in this life.."

" for once let's date and see the outcome.."

Are you kidding me for once??
What does he take me for..
A whore desperate for a date..
Spare me..

" right for once let's break each other heart again.. Oh sorry my heart ... You know what why don't you ask Clara out she might be willing to date you for once..."

" I don't want to sound like a jerk but I am done with you.. Do whatever you want with your life.. Go and put a spell on another guy.. I don't give a shit.."

" are you falling for me that you are so concern about me.. I never ask for help.. Stay out of my life.."

I bang the door hard god must be crazy did he just ask me out and I blow up the offer. What's going on in his head don't tell me that the witch has put another spell on him but i never make a wish again.

" what did he said Ary"

That was loud enough to knock me out of my thoughts.

" he wants to date me again.."

" oh my god!!! What did you say??.. Did you said yes"

Jesus why is he squealing like i just showed him my wedding dress. I ignore him and jump on the sofa.

" what did you say?? "

" I said no... Happy"

" what!!! Did you just say no to your crush.."

This guy will seriously make me deaf one day.

" he wanted to date for once!!"

" so what?"

" I am not a whore so I said no beside I have a heart that will be crush to death if he leave me again!!"

That was my highest pitch ever. I threw a cushion towards Danny and it perfectly landed on his head. I hope it will knock  some sense in that empty brain.

" who knows he might be in love for real.."

This guy seriously is a no brainier in  love with me and August never in a million years.

" see this nerd face.. Which part of it will make any guy fall for me.. "

I pointed to my face which to me is not a face a guy would noticed after all i am the nerd of the class.

" do a guy need a face to fall in love.. Character Ary.. Character.."

" Character! Than I would definitely die a spinster "

" Ary you don't know how special you are.. To me you are the most beautiful girl I have ever met in my life.. "

Why does he have to sound so straight and why am I even ready to believe sometimes best friends tells you the biggest lie to cheer you up.

" because you are my best friend Danny... I would have told you the same word if anybody thinks you are ugly.."

" fine keep believing that you are an ugly toad and die a spinster.. "

" okay fine I am the most beautiful girl in the world.. Now where is my hug.."

He was still mad he won't even look at my side i gave him a tight back hug he has being my best friends since birth very cute and annoying at the same time.

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