Chapter five

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Aurora POV:

" did you breakup with your boyfriend "
Peter asked in hesitation.

When will I ever got over this witchy thing. I place the plates on the table hard enough to break them part.
I am doom..

" Aurora did I hired you to break the plates.. Do you even know how much their prices have gone up..."

" I am sorry Mrs Ann.."

I bowed my head down enough to see my feet and I wish the ground tear apart and buried me alive.

" your sorry isn't going to help.. No pay today.."

The fuck!! I look at the broken plates I suppose there was only three of them how the hell did their number increase to like six.

" did you get me..."
She repeated loud enough to reach my dead brain and bring them to live.

" yes Mrs Ann.."

" good now clean the mess and don't take forever the customers won't have time for that.."

" yes Mrs Ann"

I pick up the broken pieces I hate myself right now I was never this angry the dam wish ruin my life forever.

" I suppose he dumped you.."

" he didn't I did.."

I almost yelled out loud attracting the few customers and a dead glare from Mrs Ann. I seize the broom from peter roughly signalling him messing with me right now would be equal to dead.

" one coffee and lemon tea please.."
Why do he sound so familiar now I am even afraid to turn around. Peter was making weird eye contact with me instead of helping me doing the service of attending the customer.

I got up and turn around.

" okay Aurora chill out.. Be the good girl.. Don't freak out your job is on the line.."

" do you work here.."

" please get a table sir I will serve you right away.."

" do you know her "

The blonde with him or his other best friend Clara throw me a dirty glance. This is going to be good like shit. Didn't he got another coffee stall of all the places it has to be here.

" no i don't "

He quickly replied and I don't know why that has to hurt me. I blink away the tears that were getting ready to run away from my eyes.

*********          *********

August POV:

Clara was nagging me all day for a coffee and you would believe the place she choose was the place where the slut okay too rude Aurora works.
I am guessing that Clara knew she works here and want to pull a little revenge on her.

There is way that she doesn't know her it was suppose to be fun watching that hate expression when I said I don't know her but surprisingly i find it unusual like i am feeling sorry for her.

" play along with me.. Let's teach her the shame of dumping someone like you.."

Her fingers runs through my hairs and I could see Aurora rolling her eyes I'll have to admit that it's fun messing with her.

She walk towards our table with a tray on her hand.
Unlike the nerd i know she looks different with jeans and loose shirts wait doesn't she always dress like this what is so different about her today. Maybe her hairs they are always neatly comb and tied but today she leave them free and messy. Did i just said that about her holy cow!!!

" here is your coffee and tea.. If you need anything else let me know.."

" thank you.. Do you have anything that makes you forget a whore.."

" oh yes what about I put some red hot chillies in that tea of yours.. They too hot to even think about a whore.."

I let out a little laugh she sure knows how to piss off her enemies.

" want some in your coffee"
She dangerously eyed me I never like big eyes but I kind of like the one that's staring down at me right now.

" be more polite to your customers.. You might never get to work here again.. The service here is too poor don't you think so August.."

Clara turn to me signalling me to agree with her and play along with her.

" I believe a little manner will.."

" for your information the customers have no right to be cruel enough to insult my services.. By the way Did i bought you the wrong order or did I get on your nerve  before you got on my nerve. "
She cut through my words in a challenging note and it was dam loud.

" Aurora Rien get back here now!!"

She did before she threw her apron on my face and i am sensing she is fired from her job.

" the nerve of her.. Did you see that she was mean.. I hope she gets fired. "

Clara got up from her seat and walk towards the counter where the lady was speaking to Aurora i quickly got up from my seat the play is getting dirty to really hurt someone.

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Aurora POV:

" I order for another coffee since the one she bought was not to my taste and she got all angry.. I don't think you should keep an employee who doesn't care about your reputation.."

You've got to be kidding me do she really have to get this low to get me  fired.

" i am truly sorry Miss she isn't that bad maybe she has too much going in her head..  This is the first time she ever misbehave.."
Mrs Ann surprisingly stood for me wasn't she threatening to fire me before the bitch showed up.

" we are sorry too mam we went  aboard with the order... Its not her fault we will take the blame and I hope you won't fire her..."

Did he just tried to act cool and save me do I look that pitiful to him.
Well i don't need him to do that for me.

" if you say so i will not fire her.."

" I am sorry Mrs Ann but keep me if you think I am worth the job and not because some random guy ask you to I at least deserve that much .. Besides I won't starve to death if you decides to fire me."

I am glad that I put out everything in me to say those words I wouldn't live at the mercy of others. I would look like a homeless girl if I have to endure the lies and keep the job.

And I  for sure know that they came here to get me fired so why disappoint the devils.

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