Part 1

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Been a while since Sasuke kun left me.

"You're annoying."

That's all he said before closing the door right on my face.

I continuously knocked,  shouted,  wept but all in vain. I heard him raising the sound of his music systems. I felt my heart sank. Everything was pointless now.

"Maybe he found someone more beautiful? Or was he craving for a sexy body? "

As far as I knew him, he never really showed any interest in girls. Even though he is pretty famous. I waited so long to propose him. I had a stupid crush on him since my school days. And we were dating for few months now... So what went wrong?

"Maybe he is gay?"

Weird thoughts stuck my mind.

"Nah it can't be. Or is it true? "

Picking myself up from his doorstep I somehow managed to drag my tired worn-out body towards my apartment.  Taking out the keys I pushed it against the keyhole unlocking it. Keeping the door wide open I tumbledown and fell on the floor feeling weak. 

I screamed not cause my knee was scratched and it was bleeding. But cause I felt a deeper pain somewhere else. It was my feelings which was made fun of.  I cried and screamed both at the same time.

Making a fist I banged it against the floor. My breathing was getting heavier due to all the overwhelming emotions. My vision was blurry. I felt something hard in my ring finger. And looked at it blankly for awhile before remembering what it actually was.

"Sign of my love. "

Taking it out I threw it as far as I could. I don't even remember in which direction. I laid there the whole night. Weeping until tears dried up. All old memories started popping up inside my brain. It was nothing less than a nightmare. I coughed. My voice was choked as my throat was getting scratched due to all the shouting. I was thirsty but I hardly cared. While thinking about all these when I drooped off to sleep I don't know.... But the next morning I woke up with a phone call. My eyes were all red and swollen. My mouth was dry. Somehow I managed to speak.

"Hello... Mom? How are you? "

The voice came out peculiar as I tried not to cry and stop my emotions getting better of me. I bite my lower lips as it shakes. I don't want to make them worry.

Mom :  Sakura are you alright?? Am so worried about you... You didn't even picked up my calls yesterday. God Child I gave you 20 missed calls!!

Me :  Really?... Sorry I felt asleep. Was too tired.

Mom :  How can you be so careless? You know we get worried. You're living all alone.

Me :  Gotta go and get ready for work mom. Bye.

Mom :  But....

I cut the call before she could complete.

"Sorry mom... "

I stood in front of the basin and  washed my face. And tidied myself up.

"Maybe I should try talking him today"

After changing my clothes I locked the main door I start climbing down the stairs. Didn't even felt like having breakfast. I had skipped yesterday's dinner as well. Everything was so dead inside me. I picked up my speed as I got closer to his house. I pressed the bell but no one answered. I found the door was locked. I thought of waiting before  a neighbor lady confirmed me that he left the town this morning.... Forever.... I was disheartened. I took a cab to the hospital. Even though it was 15-20 minutes walking distance. But today was different. Even 5 minutes was 5 hours to me. That what the cab took to reach the hospital. Though I was inside the cab for five minutes I felt it was forever. Using the small makeup mirror inside my bag I did a quick touch up. Before paying the driver and getting off. I didn't really wanted anyone to know what happened.... They would just pity me. None can help me.

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