Chapter 2

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I walk into the mall and shiver when conditioned air blasts at me. The temperature here in Florida is fuming, no wonder I always end up with a flu. I make my way to Starbucks as fast as I can, worrying Jason might have another nervous break down.

I find Jason where he told me he'd be and I smile. I start to walk towards him but stop when I realize that he's talking to the cashier girl.

"What do you mean I ordered this? Bitch, I know what I ordered and it's not a pumpkin spice latte. It was a Caffè latte!"

"But sir, you can read the receipt-" she explains, but he cuts her off rudely.

"I ain't gonna read no receipt, you-" I sprint towards Jason and cover his mouth with my hand before he can get himself in any trouble. He looks surprised, but when he turns around, he sighs. On the other hand, the cashier girl looks angry, I quickly put my hand back down, smiling politely.

"Sorry, please excuse my friend here. He's had a rough day. I'll take the pumpkin spice latte and I'll buy him a caffè latte. Thank you," I tell her. She smiles at me and glares at Jason before handing him the caffè latte. I pay her and we sit back down where Jason was first seated. Before I can place my sorry ass on the seat, Jason pulls me into a standing position.

"Nu-uh, honey. You are not sitting down. We," he says pointing to himself then I. "Are going to have our drinks as we look for something I can wear to the airport." I glare at him as I stand up. It's enough that he woke me up at 9:30 during summer, but now I'm forced to shop for him?! But he's leaving for 2 months to stay with this boy, Isaac and I, of course don't have the strength to fight because I'm going to miss the shit out of him and also because I actually literally don't have the strength to fight.

Jason rolls his eyes, "stop pouting like a fish and let's go shopping! No, seriously, girl c'mon I can't do this without you." We make our way to American Eagle as I take sips from my drink.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It's it's 2 in the afternoon now and we've literally stopped by 20 stores. My legs are aching and I am going to collapse. No, I don't feel like I am going to collapse. I am going to collapse. I sit on the nearest bench and grip my side, throwing my empty Starbucks cup in the trash can in the process. "No. Nononono-," inhale. "I am going to die-," exhale. "If I walk an inch from this bench-," inhale. "God dammit." Jason surprisingly smiles at me and takes a seat. I raise my eyebrow and he shrugs.

"I'm leaving California in three hours. And I'm not gonna see my best friend in two whole fucking months. So, Jule, we are going to do whatever it is boringly beautiful people like you do." I laugh and run a hand through my hair, pretending to think. If I were a stranger walking past us, I'd think we're a couple. I have to admit it, but Jason here is quite the looker and to be honest, you have to hang out with him to know he's actually gay. I smile at him as an idea crosses my mind. He looks at me with suspicion.

"Let's go to the beach, and I'll drive you to the airport from there." My suggestion is awarded by a toothy smile and a thumbs up.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Okay. Maybe the beach was a completely bad idea. As soon as we found a place (which by the way took 30 minutes), I spread my towel on the sand and begin to cream my legs and arms with with sunblock. When I'm finished, I put my sunglasses on and lie down. Like, 2 minutes peace on the sand, a group of kids kick sand on my direction, causing sand to come in my eyes. I huff and puff, "you gotta be kidding me!" I yell sitting up and rub my eyes. Jason on the other hand is having the time of his life. 'Cause when I open my eyes, I find him playing with the same group of kids that poured sand all over me.

He looks at me and laughs. "You're right! The beach is awesome! I love these kids," he says pinching a blonde haired girl on the cheeks. I roll my eyes at him. Fuck this, I'm gonna have fun with my best friend. I stand up and run towards the kids.

"I'm a monster, I'm gonna a kill you!" I shout as I laugh. They squeal and run towards them, Jason at the front. I chase them all saying things like "raawr!" or "I'm gonna eat you!" We finally get to the water and I manage to catch a ginger boy. Scooping him up, I fall into the water and he screams in joy. So do I, actually. Jason, the kids and I splash around for half an hour more.

Grinning, I swim out of the water, "okay, kids. Juliet and Jason gotta go now." They wave us goodbye and start to walk back to our towels, but the red head boy grabs my wrist. I look down at him. "I made this for you," he says shyly. He lifts up a necklace made of seashells in hands. I clap my hand to my mouth, the necklace really is pretty. It shines whenever you turn it to a certain angle, and there is a pattern in the shells. The first shell is blueish, the second is a dark brown, the third is the same is blue color and so on. I almost cry at how sweet this little boy is. I take it from his hand and give him a hug, "it's so pretty. Thank you so much."

Jason squeals, "oh my god. This is so adorable." I glare at him. So much for ruining the moment. The little kid smiles at the two of us then giggles and runs away. "I'm serious, what the fuck- he's so cute," says Jason as we continue to walk. I nod in agreement. We get to our towels and I check my watch.

"Holy shit, it's 3 and the plane leaves at 4!" I announce, folding my towel up.

"So? There's still an hour left." Says Jason, doing the same.

"It takes forty- five minutes to get the airport, Jase!" I answer, putting my hoodie and shorts on.

"Fuck, oh my god, you're right."

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Please guys, don't kill me. I know the story isn't good. But I'm trying, I really am. I know you're wondering when Nash is going to show up, but geez, you have to have patience! Okay. Love you, bye.

         - Yara♢

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