Chapter 1

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My eyes flutter open to the sound of my alarm clock. I groan and cover my face with my pillow, trying to stop the noise from ringing in my ears. My hand wanders my night stand in attempt of finding the alarm clock and pressing the stop button with my head under my pillow. or maybe i could just smash it against the wall. But after a few failed attempts of smashing the bitch alarm to a stop, I lift the pillow away of my face and hit the stop button.

Rolling out of bed and making my way to the bathroom, I glance at the clock. Shit! It's 9:30, I'm late! My legs seem to be in control because I run to the bathroom and start  to brush my teeth, despite the fact that i am the exact opposite of a morning person- who jumps out of bed and immediately gets dressed. I hear my phone ring, and groan, despising the fact that I have to walk out of the bathroom and answer the phone to angry Jason who can and maybe will find a way to kill me through the phone. So of course, because I am such a miserable person, I walk out of the bathroom, toothbrush in mouth, and accept the call. "Hey, babe," I say nervously, after taking the brush out of my mouth, trying to start off with a happy vibe. But from the grunt and the crashing noises coming from the other line, I'm sure there aren't going to be any happy vibes for me today.

"Don't you 'hey babe' me, bitch. It's 9:35 and you were supposed to be here at 9!" I hold the phone away from my ear and I can hear a few 'fuck's and 'bitch's coming out of the speakers. I know you're wondering who Jason is. To start off, he's not my boyfriend, and no, I don't have a crush on him. Because 1) we're best friends and 2) he's gay. I know right?! Lucky me! The girl with the gay best friend. But no. I get like 1873929 tantrums thrown my way whenever something doesn't go his way and 19839292 complaints whenever 1 of his 18739292 relationships go wrong. After about 10 minutes of holding the phone away from my ear, my muscles start to ache, so I finally give in and hold it to my ear.

"Jesus, I'm sorry! But my alarm clock has been going crazy again, and for your sake, I'm getting dressed right now." I put my iPhone 5s on speaker and place it on my bed as I take out my usual black hoodie, jean shorts and converse high tops out of my closest. "so have you decided on what you're gonna wear to the airport today?" I ask, applying Vaseline to my body. Today Jason is finally going to meet his 2 months online boyfriend, and to be honest, I'm so proud of him for dating a guy for more than 3 days. I shudder as I remember Jason's last boyfriend and how things ended with him. He came to my apartment at 2 in the morning, holding a bucket of mint chocolate, crying and wiping away snot from his running nose with the back of his hand. He's never single, but gets dumped 3 times a week if not 7. Let's just say, he dates so a lot, but every break up is a totally new and different type of heart break.

"No, Einstein. Why do you think I'm so freaked out?! I'm at Starbucks right now and I'm hyperventilating. I think I'm in love, Jule, I think I'm in love!" Again, this is not the first time he has "confessed" his undying love for a man. When I'm finally fully dressed, I turn off the loudspeaker and tell Jason I'll be at the mall in 10. I make my way to my car and start driving.

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For your information, Juliet is 18, just graduated from high school and is now living in an apartment alone, with the money she's been saving since she was 10. Nash is 19 in this story, he lives with Cameron(just like in real life). Okay. Love you -Yara♢

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