Chapter 3

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And I thought my grandmother's menopause was going to be the most dramatic time of my life. Jason is two minutes away from missing his flight and I'm panicking, no joke. I've never been away from this boy for more than two months since I was 8. Oh, but when it comes to it, I have been away from Jason for more than two months... it was a family vacation! Okay, back to the subject. I have my best friend of 11 years leaving me for two months and I'm panicking. Wait, I already said that. God.

I hug Jason for the seventh time, "oh dear lord. I'm gonna miss you!" I tell him. A series of sarcastic 'awwww's come from a group of boys our age, I think they're boarding the same flight as Jason. I shake my head at them.

"Chicago is going to do me good, Juliet Moor, don't you worry. I'll call you as much as I can and I'll even skype you when I'm with Isaac!" He says trying to cheer me up, and it works. Skyping with him and Isaac sounds awesome. I give Jason the last goodbye kiss on the cheek and turn around.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As soon as I'm out of the god forsaken airport. I head to Subways by foot, leaving my car at the airport's parking lot.

The Subways next to the airport is almost empty, so I don't have to wait in line for more than 1 minute. "Yeah, thank you." I say smiling to the guy behind the counter after I take my sandwich and start to walk back to the car.

I hear someone from behind me yelling "move!" I turn my whole body around to see the person, but just when I turn around our shoulders crash, violently causing me to fall, on the floor and drop my  sandwich. "Shit! Are you okay?!" He asks looking down at me. I glare at him, not answering. Isn't he gonna help me up? He looks at me confused, "oh sorry." He mumbles to himself as he holds my elbows and helps me up. "My name's Nash." Nash holds out his hand, I take it.

"And I'm Juliet, not a pleasure to meet you." I add rudely. He smirks, and shrugs. "And why were you running?" I ask. He scratches his head, as I put my hands on my hips waiting for a reply. I won't let this go, that was my sandwich. I paid for it.

"My friend, Cameron and I, who has runway now, were racing." He answers, smiling, exposing his pearly whites. Just now  realize how beautiful his eyes are. Stop it, Juliet. He almost killed you. Maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but I really am hungry. I wanted to eat my sandwich.

"Very mature of you, Nash." I say sarcastically, making him laugh. Again he shrugs, and smirks.

I wonder why the name Cameron is so familiar... I don't even realize it, but we start to walk. I turn my head to look at him, his light blue eyes reflecting the sun, he turns around and grins at me from ear to ear, with too much enthusiasm. "I know, I'm hot. Close that mouth of yours before a fly gets in." He says,  before pushing my chin up with his thumb,  closing my slightly parted lips. I feel my cheeks burning, in embarrassment. Pushing the awkward situation away, I narrow my eyes and look at him, he does the same.

"I. Do. Not. Think. You. Are. Hot," I tell him, purposly being slow. I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, I want to punch the guy. I barely know him and he's already touching my chin! Seriously, I need to be more in control.

"Sure ya don't." He replies, doing that smirk of his again. As soon as he notices me stopping at my car, he puts his hoodie over his dirty blonde hair, it's almost brown. There's a blonde streak at the front part of his hair. Nash takes a paper and a pen out of his pocket, he writes something on the piece of paper and hands it to me. Before walking away, he says, "I'll make sure to give you a clear view of my hot body soon, Juliet."

"Yay me, I can't wait!" I yell out sarcastically from behind him. He laughs again, that sweet laugh of his.

"See you around," he says and we walk separate directions. Actually, I just want it to be more dramatic, what I really do is climb into my car and stare at the folded piece of paper, afraid of opening it. After a few minutes of protest, I give in and start to unfold. I almost laugh at what it says, under his number:

"I know you're gonna call, Juliet, don't try to deny it. Just so you know, on our second date, I'll be buying you another sandwich - Nash Grier ;)"

I think I've literally bumped into the devil.

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