Kim Yuri(you), lived in an abusive household. She was abused, beaten and worse on daily basis until she just had enough...She packed the essentials and tried to escape...tried...Because of something outside, her "parents" woke up and caught her. The...
(Listen while reading☝) It was just another miserable day in this miserable life. It was in the middle of the night when my so called "parents" left my room after yet another beating. I stood up from my bed and walked to the mirror. I took off my shirt lowly, then my pants until I was only in my underwear. Black, Purple and blue bruises decorated body, a constant reminder of what I am going through. "Why me...?" I murmured, barely audible. What the hell did I do to deserve this.. I thought while stroking my bruises gently and looking into the mirror.
I've had enough!
I searched through my room and packed all of my essentials. Luckily my parents were asleep or even the sound of my steps would have caught their attention.
Nobody's POV:
But for some detestable reason, your so called "parents" woke up. They rushed to your room and your mother caught you trying to leave. "You think you can leave huh, your more stupid than I thought!" . Even though i'm top of the class... "You know what, i've had enough" your father said and took out his pocket knife.
He walked towards you and stabbed you in your lower abdomen.
If I stay still, they might leave
So you stayed completely still, hoping they would leave, and they did.
Mother POV: After my he stabbed her, she suddenly stopped moving. Maybe she's dead. Good riddance. We can't have the possibility that she might be like her parents.
Your POV:
After a while I gathered all of my strength and stood up. I took my bag and sneaked out of the house and into the street where I can be found. (A/N: After they left your room they went back to bed and didn't give a shit about the fact that you were In your room dead. Or so they thought)
??? POV:
I was walking back to the dorm with my hyungs when I spotted a girl walking in the street with what looked like a stab wound. She was bleeding a lot. I ran to her with my speed and caught her right before she hit the ground(she fainted). "HYUNGS, COME OVER HERE AND HELP HER!!!"
??? POV:
We were just walking when suddenly Kookie used his speed and ran in front of us. Thinking he was just playing we just continued walking until jungkook yelled: "HYUNGS, COME OVER HERE AND HELP HER!!!" Then I saw the girl in his arms. We all ran to him and jin started healing her. Jungkook picked her up and we started to run home.
Nobody's POV:
They finally got home:
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They went to the living room and put you on the couch. They sat there waiting for you to wake up.
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//two hours later//
Your POV:
In the dream:
Why is it all black? Where am I? Were some of the thoughts going through your head. You started walking around for what felt like hours until you head a voice: " Hello Yuri." She said. " Who are you? Where am I?" " Calm down my child? You have been taken in by seven very special people. You gave a great and dangerous journey ahead and you need to wake up." I was so confused. " What do you mean?" " All you need to know is that you are not alone and that you are the only one who can help." "Wait, what do you mean-" I was cut if by everything becoming white and an extremely painful feeling in my abdomen. My eyes stared fluttering open.
I was waking up...
------------------------------ Omg, thank you so much for reading! It's my first fanfiction so I really appreciate it! Thank you, I hope you keep reading!😘😘