Chapter 3: Family

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OMG I AM SO SORRYYYYY! I had a huge writers block and I was stressed with school so please bear with me!😱😭😭

Time skip~

Your POV:

I woke up and realized that I don't have my bag.
Omg, where is it?! Oh nooooo!
I hesitantly got out of bed and looked around the room for something to go downstairs in.
(A/N: Jin removed your clothes because they were full of blood and ripped. So you don't have anything except your underwear on. It's fine because it's Eomma Jin we're talking about😉)
I went to the bathroom and I was (jung)shook.
(only part of the bathroom)

After finally snapping out of my daze, I looked around and saw a robe

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After finally snapping out of my daze, I looked around and saw a robe.
Perfect, for now at least.

I hesitantly open the door and the moment I do I am met with a mouthwatering smell of pancakes. I didn't even notice how hungry I was until I heard my stomach rumble.
I nearly jumped out of my own skin when I heard a low chuckle from a few meters next to me. I thought I gave myself a whiplash from how fast I turned.

"You know, you CAN go downstairs. You don't have to starve.😄"
A person who, if memory serves, is kim taehyung said.
This house is so big, I might need a GPS just to find the kitchen...
" s-sorry..." damn it Yuri! Why did you stutter?!
" can please show me where the kitchen is?"
He flashed his famous box smile
"Of course I can!😊"

He leads me through the hallway and down the stairs. I am amazed by how beautiful the house is.

 I am amazed by how beautiful the house is

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"You have a beautiful home"

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"You have a beautiful home"

"Thank you😊"
When we got to the kitchen I saw five handsome men sitting at the table talking and another one standing at the kitchen counter making the pancakes. I think jin is the one who's at the counter.
" oh! Right on time! You must be hungry! Come come! Sit!💓"
Jin said while gesturing to the table.
I made my way to the table and sat down. Jin put the food on the table and suddenly all of them started laughing. I was a bit confused until I noticed that I was basically drooling while looking at the food!
Oh my god, so embarrassing!!😨
But, I couldn't help but burst out laughing too.

After we stopped laughing, I started to eat.
"It's really good! What's your recipe, if you don't mind?"
"You cook?" He seemed a bit surprised and smiled brightly at the thought of us cooking together.
"Yeah I do! Perhaps we can do something together someday?"
"Yes, of course! That would be fun!😄"
This time it was Hobi who asked,
"anyway... Yuri! You don't have to answer but –He hesitated– how did you manage to escape?"
I paused.
Everything paused.

Now that I think about it, I don't really mind telling them.
They feel like family for some reason. Like I've known them for centuries. For some reason, I feel like they can protect me...

So I answer.
"yesterday, they had beaten me again and I was just in a daze. I... looked at the mirror as if in a trance thinking, why me? I got so mad that I just packed a duffelbag with the essencials and tried to sneak out."
They were kinda shocked, but I didn't care as I continued-
" it was in the middle of the night and I thought they were asleep. I-I have been planning this for years and yet, I was stupid and acted on impulse-I didn't care what the consequences were- the only thing I could think of was that I had had enough.
You know, -a cold, humourless laugh- the universe must really hate me. Because, for some reason, even when they were passed out drunk, they still managed to wake up and come to my room. They started mocking me, saying I would never escape. That I was too stupid to escape, even though I'm top of the class -a laugh from namjoon at that- my asshole of a father decided he had enough and just stabbed me. I could have easily fought them both and avoid beeing stabbed, I was trained in secret by my friends uncle, he was a general in the army and taught me, quite brutally might I add. But, at this point, I was too tired and I deliberately let him stab me. Even if I didn't realise it, I think I wanted to die."
I don't think I even admitted that to myself yet.

The immortal violence that rippled in their eyes was enough to make me question if they're actually human.

I'll add that to my pile of secrets.

Jungkook POV:

Jungkook couldn't believe his ears. How could someone so young be this strong? Sure, she did want to die, but she still managed to find it in herself to get up from the ground to find help.
"do you think it's my fault?"
It was Yoongi that replied this time.
We all looked at him shocked. He usually stayed out of conversation when it comes to strangers, but I guess he sympathises with her. He's gone through a lot.
"it's not your fault that they picked you up from the orfanage, acted all nice and then literally stabbed you."
The silver lining in her eyes was like a punch to the gut.
"you were a child, you didn't know the difference. I'm sure you did a lot of horrible things that you regret to survive, but so did all of us. What you did was in order to survive, and that's what you did, you survived. So don't you dare go thinking that you owe those pieces of shit anything."
She looked at us with eyes far too old, too tired, to be nineteen.
There was a glimmer in his eyes that seemed to say—
I understand you.
It seems that that he hit something, because the steely determination that filled her eyes nearly knocked me off my feet. It was almost like they glowed.
I don't know why but I feel like she was meant to be here. Like her coming here was a key to a door that has finally opened.

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