Chapter 2; Meeting a dragon

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"Well Shift live in an old cave the south of the village look for the teal fire!" Bunny replied pointing south. "Ok what about cake?" Echomoon asked in a desperate sounding voice. "Umm We Wil-"Pelted started before being cut off by Koi "No time Echo! We have to go before the sun drops to the ground!" She said in a speedy voice "Cake later Shift now!" Koi announced to Echomoon as she ran off. "Koi wait up!" Echomoon said raising her hand then running to catchup with Koi.

After a long walk they started to approach their destination.

"Koi wait!" Echomoon shouted to the flying harpy angel cat. "No just go faster!" the cat yelled back flying a bit slower. "Bu-" Echomoon started before hearing a loud *THUMP*. Looking up she saw a big mountain with her friend face first into the rock. Koi falls down landing on her back in the soil. "That's whatchya get my friend" Echomoon said trying hard not to laugh at her friends clumsiness.

"I'm ok!" Koi said getting up and swinging her head. "You s-s-sure?" Echomoon asked trying hard not to laugh at her friend. "Yesh" Koi said running to a cave. Echomoon followed looking in. The cave was damp with shelves filled with potions on the walls. A green cauldron sat in the middle as they saw a teal fire. "This is the place" Koi whispered to Echomoon as she spotted a Green and Blue dragon. Koi walked into the cave with Echomoon trying to get her to come back out. "Shift!" She said happily trying to get the dragons attention. "What ya need Koi?" Shift asked in a goofy voice. "Wait hold up... You two have met!?!" Echomoon asked in a surprised tone."Yus we have, we are friends!" Koi answered in tone sounding as if she were funny. "Really Koi so you could have brought me to him this whole time?!" Echomoon yelled. "I did didn't I?" Koi answered in a mad tone being annoyed by Echomoon's yelling. "Anyway- We need help, there was some sort of kidnaping with a Kyūbi's sons or whatever and we need help finding the portal to their dimension to save a jackal! *pant pant*" Koi managed to spit out without taking too long. Shocked, Shift waited for Koi to catch her breath before giving an answer. "I heard of a rumor of where it is. Follow me."

So they traveled to the rumored place. "Umm- I don't see any portal"

Echomoon said. Just than a portal opened, how convenient for the plot!

"LET'S GO!" Koi yelled almost jumping into the portal before shift grabbed her and warned her about the dangers. "Listen, this portal is dangerous. A supernova could go off at any moment. You could be hit by a comet, asteroid, meteor, meteorite or meteoroid. This is a passage through space and time, creating a black hole is highly possible! You still sure you want to go?" "YES" Koi continued as she launched herself into the portal, pulling Echo in with her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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