I'm the kind who has always feel under loved.
It's "Feel" because am in, again.
I give all of my love, yet I get half or nothing in return.
Or maybe it's what I feel or think.
But should I be feeling that way if it weren't true somehow?Like their love can't match up with mine?
Do you call that loving too much or loving stupidly?
Do I even know what love is?I know I can be insecure sometimes,
And very sensitive.
You can't blame me though.
Having being hurt severely and severally.
With all the hurt in me, I still see the good in others.
Ignore the warning signs. The obvious red lines.
I still fall deep.No, this has nothing to do me being paranoid.
I can't do what you do and you won't feel the way I feel right now or even worse.Or I'm loving the wrong person that's why I feel I love too much?
Or I do not really know what love is. And how it feels.#Vote

Heart Worries.
PoetryWords from my heart, probably every other persons thought or some one's thought.