Brutasha Breakup

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"I need to tell him," Natasha said, getting ready  for her date with Bruce. She put on her casual clothing, as she always did. She was not in the mood to dress up.. especially since she knows this night won't end well. She was getting prepared to end everything with Bruce. She didn't want this anymore. She felt like she liked him out of nowhere. This wasn't how she wanted her relationship to go. She didn't want to depend on him.. she wanted to be.. independent. Natasha walked out the door, waiting to break the news to Bruce.
A few minutes later, Bruce arrived.
"Bruce, I-" Natasha was interrupted.
"Don't tell me anything.. I got a night of plans," Bruce said, taking her hand. Natasha, so badly, wanted to take her hand back. But, she couldn't do that to him. Bruce led her into the car. Natasha took a seat, her arms crossed against her chest.
"Buckle up," Bruce said.
"No," Natasha said, her arms crossed. Bruce put a face on meaning "Okay, geez." The two drove off, heading towards.. the movie theaters.
"What are we watching?" Natasha asked.
"It's a SciFi movie.. about aliens.. and science," Bruce said, pushing up his glasses.
"Of course it is," Natasha replied, still thinking of how she will break his heart. The two sat in the middle row, with Bruce holding her hand. Natasha simply excused herself, heading towards the bathroom. She washed her face, causing all of her makeup to smear.
"Shit, I forgot I had this on.." Natasha groaned as she wiped her face. Natasha went back into the theater.. makeup-free. Bruce didn't notice.. he was, at heart, in love with her. But, Natasha didn't feel the same.
"Bruce," Natasha said.
"Hm?" Bruce replied, looking into her emerald eyes.
"I don't want to do this anymore.." Natasha said, fiddling with her fingers.
"Nat, the movie is almost over.. and it's not THAT bad.." Bruce replied, looking back over to the screen.
"I'm not talking about the movie.. I don't want to be with you anymore.." Natasha said.
"What is this about?" Bruce asked, looking at the floor.
"I want to be independent.." Natasha said, "I don't like the feeling of having to depend on you.."
"I.. I get it Natasha," Bruce said, trying to control his anger, "I'm gonna leave now.. before I do something I don't want to do." Natasha sighed, and sank back into her chair.

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