Mission: Part 2

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Natasha couldn't shoot, or the agents would do the same. Natasha looked to Bucky.. the worry was visible through his face. The agents cuffed them both leading them into a cell.
"Do you think they will come get us?" Bucky asked, looking into her emerald eyes.
"Yeah.." Natasha said, staring down, "They will."
"So, what's your deal?" Bucky asked, fiddling with his fingers.
"What?" Natasha asked, looking into his eyes.
"I don't know much about you.." Bucky continued, "Tell me something."
"Well.. my name is Natalia, but I changed it to Natasha," Natasha said.
"Yeah.. I haven't gone by James, in a long time," Bucky said.
"To be honest, I kinda like James better.. Bucky makes you sound like a kid," Natasha replied, smiling.
"Thanks," Bucky said, "I like Natalia.. do you mind if I call you that?"
"Sure.." Natasha said, lost in his eyes. Bucky walked closer, and sat down on the floor next to her, their shoulders touching. Bucky leaned in close, their lips almost touching, until Barton walked in.
The two scrambled to their feet, awkwardly.
"Sorry to interrupt.. let's get outta here," Clint said. Natasha nodded, following Barton out the door, James right behind.
"Did you get the intel?" Natasha asked.
"Yup," Barton replied. Natasha gave a sigh of relief and sat down, in the plane. She saw Bucky, a few feet away. He had tried to kiss her. She didn't need him.. she was independent.

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