Talking with Bruce

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Natasha approached Bruce's door, and felt the urge to just run away. She couldn't. It took all of her courage, but she managed to knock on his door. When the door swung open, out came a curly-haired man with glasses. Bruce.
"Natasha.." Bruce said, gesturing for her to come in. His laboratory was big, filled with computers, and weird technology no one has ever heard of. In the corner, sat Stark.
"Tony.. can you give us a moment?" Banner asked.
"Yeah.." Stark said, leaving the room.
"Bruce.. Can we pretend nothing ever happened between us?" Natasha asked. Bruce's face dropped.
"W.. What?" Bruce asked, the confusion visible.
"Whatever happened was in the past.. let's forget about it, and be friends," Natasha said.
"Nat, you can't delete what we had.." Bruce said, his hand clenching the table. Natasha tried to keep him calm.
"Banner.." Natasha said, in a soothing voice, "I know you-"
"YOU CANT DELETE IT!" Bruce yelled.
Natasha took a step back.
"I.. I'm sorry.. that was mean," Bruce said, his hands folded.
"Banner, please.." Natasha pleaded.
"I will do whatever to keep you happy.." Bruce said, looking at the floor, "Even if that means losing you."

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