(8) Jared

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Hello guys!

Jared's POV

We just sat at Connor's house after the wedding... Then... Then he asked me something personal. "Jared." I looked up at him. "Why don't you talk about your parents?"

"It's kind of hard to explain." I muttered as I looked down at my lap. "Can you close your eyes.. I I need to get out of this dress." Connor did as I asked. I quickly changed, and sew my clothes together. "Okay done." He opened his eyes, and smiles softly. "Murphy is that I see?"

He soon scowled. "Fuck you."

"Don't take offers." I replied, and we just stared at each other. Soon we start laughing.

"Kleiman... Can we stay at your house for once?" I stop laughing.... I should we go to my house? What will my parents react to us being handcuffed? Will they take it the wrong way? Will dad take it the wrong way!?

"S-sure.." Shit I stuttered.

Hour or two later

We stood outside my house. I took my house key out of my pocket, and unlocked the door. "Jared? Is that you sweetie?" My mom walks out of the kitchen. She's wearing an apron and her hair is up in a bun. "Oh who is your friend?" She smiles warmly to Connor.

"I'm Connor ma'am." Connor replied with a small smile... Wait sense when is Connor like this around adults?!

"Oh Evan told me you guys were handcuffed together." My mom states. "It's nice to meet you Connor! I'm Mrs. Kleiman, but you can call me Mary."

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. I mean Mary." Connor replies. He looks so uncomfortable. Well here I come to the rescue.

"So mom where's dad?" I ask, and she turns to me.

"Oh he's at church talking to Mr. Cooper." She tells me, and I nod.

"Oh okay." I tell her. "Can Conner spend the night?" She nods. "Alright we're going to my room."

"Okay sweetie." She kisses me on the cheek, and we head upstairs.

Connor chuckles a little. "What?" I asked.

"Sweetie?" He mocked a little.

"Yes honey?" I joke, and he shuts up. I stop in front of my bedroom door, and I turn to him. "Okay what I'm about to show you might make you think differently about me, but I assure you I'm still the same asshole that you know."

Connor rolls his eyes, and opens the door. He seems the bedroom walks are covered with bath bomb posters, Broadway posters, and one or two Panic! At the Disco posters. His mouth hung open. "You like Panic! At The Disco?"

"Yep, but that not all." He looks at me confused. I pointed to the ceiling. "Look up." He's does as he's told, and he sees a big My Chemical Romance poster.

"I think I'm in love." He mumbles.

"What!?" I whisper shouted. Please don't let mom hear what he said.

"Uh with the r-room." He quickly states. I head to my closet, and open the door. On the back of the door was a Marilyn Manson poster. " I had no idea you liked this type of stuff!" Connor states in a happy tone.

"Yeah." I replied. "I didn't really want people to know."

"So what does your parents do?" I was a little cut off guard by that question.

"Uh well my mom is a vet." I tell him. "My dad... Well he's a florist, but he's also a preacher." I explained, Connor nods in understanding.


"I love you Jared." I hugged Connor.

"I love you too." I mumbled into his shoulder.

"Jared." I hummed as a reply. "Why do you cut?" My eyes shot open, and I notice I'm in a maze. Connor is gone. I run into one direction following Connor's voice. I come to a dead end. My dad in front of me.

"You're no son of mine!" He yells, and he punches me. I fall to the ground, and he starts kicking. "You son of a bitch! You're a disgrace to this family!"

"Please stop!" I yell, but it keeps happening. Kick after kick. Punch after punch. Fuck you after fuck you.

"Jared?" I hear someone whisper. I looked up to see Connor. He doesn't do anything. He just stands there. He soon falls to his knees. He starts crying into his hands.

That's when I noticed I wasn't being kicked anymore. Instead I was floating. My dead body laid in a casket. Everything flashed to a grave. My grave.

Here lies Jared Kleinman.
Best friend

"Jared!" I open my eyes to see Connor. He was shaking me.

I let out a yawn. "Wh-what time is it?" I yawn again.

"2:00 am." I looked at him in confusion. Then why did he wake me the fuck up? As if he read my mind he answered that exact question. "It seemed like you had a nightmare."


"You want to talk about it perhaps?" I sit up, and shake my head no. For some reason I feel Connor's arms wrap around me. I look over at him in confusion. "You looked like you needed a hug." He replied with a small shrug and weak smile.

"You know Murphy your not that half bad."

"You too Kleiman." He tells me. "You too."

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