(11) Connor

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A/n: New Character! Plus your comments encourages me a lot!

Next Day

I stabbed at my cereal with my spoon. Stupid Jared. Stupid dream. Stupid life. Life fucking sucks.

"Uh Connor... You okay?" Zoe asks as I keep stabbing my cereal. "I think it's dead." She smirks.

"It was never alive." I state bluntly. "I fucking hate him."

"Who? Jared?" I nod, and start eating a little. "Where is he by the way? I thought you guys were handcuffed together."

"We were. Evan unlocked the cuffs." I inform her, and knock my head on the table over and over again.

Zoe puts a cloth napkin under my head to prevent any damage. "So why do you hate him still? I thought you guys were friends or something now."

"He confuses me. He got mad for some unknown reason. He started cussing me out." I keep hitting my head on the table.

Zoe eats some of her food. "Maybe he's bipolar." She suggests.

"No I think there's more to the story." I tell her. I place the side of my face in the table, and see there was mail on the table. "Anything good?"

"Oh you know. Normal stuff. Bills, checks, Tony's letter, and a few other things." She shrugs.

I choke on my own spit, and I smile. "Tony?!" I grabbed the mail. I found a letter from him, and opened it.

Dear Connor Murphy,

Hey Con Con. What's up? I'm fine... Just a little off still about last year. Diane's death was sudden... Molly broke up with me yesterday. Oakley, Vincent, and Blanche have been ignoring me. I don't really care. Sure they're my best friends, but still.

My foster home have been switching a lot lately. I had about four in the last two months. I haven't seen Bruce since Diane's funeral. The foster agency broke us up.

The foster family I'm with write now are well... They suck. I have a new foster sister named Chloe. I'm living in New Jersey now.

Now do me a favor, and open the fucking front door! I'm fucking cold man!

Sincerely, Tony Barker

I blinked. The hell? I dropped the letter, and ran to the front door. I opened it to see my pen pal standing on the front porch. He had a scare on his cheek. He claims it's from when some intruder tried killing him, but they ended up killing his half-sister instead.

He ran his hand through his ginger curls, and his brown eyes started at me. "Hey Connor."

"Hey Tony." I give him a small smile. "Um can we go to the park? I need to tell you somethings."

Tony nodded, and we started walking. Why is it so cold...? "So Connor please explain to me why you are not wearing a shirt?" He asked me.

I stopped walking, and quickly ran into my house. I put a random shirt on, and my hoodie. I ran back outside to see Tony was still there. "Okay I'm back."

"Let's get going then." We started walking to the park. When we got there no one was around. Well... It is freezing cold. Tony instantly ran over to the marry-go-round. "Dude push me round."

I walked over to where he was sitting. I started running around while pushing the marry-go-round so it would spin. Tony grabbed onto one of the poles. After I got some speed I jumped onto the marry-go-round.

We both were laughing our heads off. The marry-go-round soon stops spinning. "So Connor what do you want to talk about?" Tony asked me as I sat next to him. He stopped hugging the pole.

"Um how can I can explain this?" I whispered and filled him in on what had been happening.

"Wow shit. That Jared guy sounds like an ass." He lays down, and placed his head in my lap. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I... I don't know." I stated. "That dream was strange."

"Hey maybe he's your soulmate or something." He suggested.

"I don't think so." I told him, and ran my fingers through his ginger hair. To other people this would seem like a guy, and his boyfriend. To me and Tony this was a coping thing.

"Yeah. You know more about love and family than I do." Tony stated.

"Dude my family hates each other." I chuckled.

Tony looked away from me. A sad smile was on his face. "Connor. Remember my dad is dead, and my mom ran out on me and my sibling when I was four." He reminded me. "And last year Diane died. Bruce is with another foster family. You're basically all I have left."

I let out a sigh. "Yeah. I know Tony." I forgot about his bad past. "I'll always be hear for you."

"Thanks pal." He whispers. His curly hair got in front of his eyes. "I wish others would."

"You're a good guy Tony." I told him. "Don't forget that."

"If only you knew the truth." He whispers.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing! I sound go back to sleep." He quickly says as he sits back up. Something is wrong. But I shouldn't push it. "So do you like that Jared guy?"

"I don't know who I like anymore." I state as I hug my knees.

"Well remember these wise words; when love is lost repeat thy dance." He shrugs.

Okay most of the time I don't know what he's saying. "What the hell?"

"I don't know. I read it on a milk carton." He told me, and got up. "C'mon let's go do something that can get us into trouble."

"Like what?" I asked as I stood up as well.

"I don't know." He shrugs, and we start walking again. A car pulls up next to us. "Shit."

"Get in the car Tony. Mom said I can't go to the mall unless you come too." The girl in the car spoke. Wait she goes to my school.

"Oh hi Connor!" The girl in the passenger seat waved.

"Hey Brooke." I waved back.

The driver, Chloe, rolled her eyes. "Come on Tony we don't got all day. Your boyfriend can come to if he want."

Me and Tony both roll our eyes, and get into the car. "He's not my boyfriend." We say in sync.

"So what's up Connor?" Brooke asks me. "Haven't seen you since tenth grade."

"Nothing really." I told her.

"Okay. So you're Tony right? Chloe's new foster brother?" She asked.

"Yeah." Tony replied as he scrolled through his phone. His eyes lit up. I looked over at his phone to see pics of people with scars and different cuts.

One picture showed a guy who was bleeding from his mouth.

What the fuck is this about!?

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