(14) Connor

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I just kisses Jared.

And I liked it.

I wasn't supposed to like it! I only did it to see if what I felt was only me going insane or something! I thought if I did it it would prove that I didn't like him! To see if I was just curious about him or if I actually liked him!

I stared at Jared. His face was a bright red from embarrassment. I backed away and sat against the closet wall. Fuck why did it have to be Jared!? He's an ass! A fucking jerk!

"Connor." I snapped my head up to see Jared only inches away from me. He had a stern look on his face. "Why did you do that?"

And that's when it happened.

I broke down crying. Jared looked like he instantly regretted asking. "Oh shit! Connor please don't cry! What's wrong?! Did someone hurt you!? Is... Is it me?"

I looked at my feet and hugged my knees. I shouldn't have kissed him! He likes some other guy anyway! He can't possibly like me! Stupid! You're so fucking stupid Connor! He hates you!

Then he did something I though he would never do.

He hugged me. "Connor please don't cry." He whispered, and I slowly hugged back. "Now tell me what's bothering you."

"You hate me." I stated without thinking. It's true he does.

"Says who?" I gulped as I heard him. "I don't hate you Connor. Sure I'll get mad at you, but I'd never hate you... Anymore."

"J-Jared." I heard my vice cracked.

"Come on let's skip the rest of the day. We can go to my house." Jared stated, an I just nodded. I didn't feel so well.

Jared helped me up, and we walked out of the closet. We got a few weird looks from some students who were skipping class.

"Get to class nothing to look at!" Jared stated, and they kept walking. We stuck out the back of the school, and started walking to Jared house. I stubbled a little from how tired I was. "Jeez Connor when was the last time you went to sleep?"

"Um they day we got uncuffed..." I stated. It was true. I couldn't sleep at all because how bad I felt. I couldn't sleep because I thought he hated me.

"Oh fuck when we get to my house you're going straight to my bed!" He stated and instantly turned red. I did as well. "I-i mean to sleep."

We chuckles awkwardly, and kept walking. We soon ended up at his house. His mom was in the kitchen baking cookies. "Kane that you honey?"

"No ma." Jared replied, and Mary walked in front of us. She looked at Jared then me. She smiled.

"Connor it's nice to see you again." She gave me a hug. I was so confused why. She's treating me strangely. She then looked back at Jared. "Why aren't you two at school?"

"I started feeling sick and Connor said he'd take me home." Jared quickly lied, and his mom looked at me.

"Is that so?" She asked, and Jared glanced at me. I took the hint and nodded.

"Yes ma'am." I replied. "I didn't want nothing bad to happen."

Mary smiled again. "Alright well you two can go upstairs. I'll make some chicken soup." Jared nodded, and we went upstairs. Man I missed Jared's room. The posters, the smell, and the fact that it was Jared's made me surprised.

"Lay down Connor. You need to rest." I nodded, and laid down on his bed. Connor actually went as far as tucking me. He'd be a great mom. Kidding.

Then again that would be nice. A two story house. A cat or dog. A tire swing in the front yard. Coming home to see a plate of chocolate ship cookies. Maybe even a kid... What am I thinking?! Having a kid with Jared. Yep I'm going crazy. I'm not thinking correctly.

"Connor!" Jared snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh what?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"I asked we haven't you slept? It's not healthy to stay awake all the time! I'm worried about you Connor!" Jared stated, and I blinked.

He worried about me?

"You're worried about me?" Jared blushed for out the sixth time today. "Jared are you really? Are you really worried about me?"

"Yeah you idiot! I fucking love you!" He instantly closed his mouth.

Jared liked me. No, correction! He loved me.

The next thing I knew I was hugging him, and pulling him into the bed right next to me. "C-connor?" He squeaked. Gosh he was cute when he did that. His glasses started to fall off his nose.

"I love you two Jared." I whispered as I kissed him for the second time that day. I was fucking in love with him, and I didn't care who knew. I am telling my family when I get home.

When I kissed him Jared was stiff at first, but he soon kissed me back. I rolled over onto my back, and Jared sat on my lap. Then it happened.

A crash at the door.

"Jared what the hell are you doing young man?!" I heard a man yell.

Jared quickly hot off of me, and jumped out of the bed. I sat up leaning against my elbows. There in the door way was an angry man. Jared's dad.

I've seen him before. The days when I was forced to go to church and one of the days I was here. And to tell the truth, I was fuck scared of Kane Kleinman.

Kane Kleinman was known around town for different things. He was the pastor at the church my family went to, he helped out at the community's soup kitchen, and he was also the towns florist.

He had brown hair like Jared's that was cut pretty short, his brown eyes were glaring right at his son, and his fist was tightened.

"D-dad?" I heard Jared whisper. From the look on his face I could tell he was scared of him as well.

"Jared what were you doing? Especially to that crack head?" He pointed at me. Ouch that hurt.

"He's not a crack head dad!" Jared yelled at him, but soon lowered his head. "Sir..."

Kane looked at me. "Get out of my house Murphy before I call the cops yo escort you out." His dark stared went straight through my soul. Kane Kleinman was the word scary. "I said get the hell out!"

I quickly jumped out of the bed and was about to when Hared grabbed my arm. I looked at him and say the pain in his eyes. "Bye Connor." He said like it was the last words I would hear out of him.

Kane tapped at his watch as if to tell me to hurry up, and my tome was almost up before he called the cops.

I quickly hugged Jared, and started leaving the room. Kane grabs ahold of my hoodie making me stop. "Don't even think about coming back around my son." He glared, and let go if me. He wipes his hand on his pants leg.

Wow he hates me this much? Wait! I can't see Jared again?

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