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  Chapter One
"Legends Never Die"

  Chapter OneBeginning"Legends Never Die"1x02

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"Hello Father."

Klaus turned around and smirked. In front of him was his son, Luciano Mikaelson in all his glory.

"Why'd you call me here to New Orleans?"

Luciano was confused when Klaus grimaced, until he began to explain. Everything from Klaus getting another girl (other than Luciano's dead mother) - a wolf no less - pregnant, to the witches trying to kill Luciano's soon to be sibling and Marcel being the 'king' of New Orleans.

"Well you've certainly have had some fun," Luciano smirked, "So any cute boys that I could get my hands on?"

"None of them are good enough for you," Klaus said immediately.

"Obviously." Luciano says with a straight face, knowing what he just said was completely true.

"I'm a Tribrid father, of course no one is good enough for me, doesn't mean I can't have some fun."

Klaus smirked, oh yes this is definitely his son but with a lot more arrogance, which is justified since he is the most powerful creature on earth. Klaus will always be proud of his son because of that.

"But enough about me for now, what are we going to do about the witches?" Luciano asked, though not really caring about the pregnant wolf or the baby, it's just that the witches threatened Klaus and well, you don't just threaten ones father, it's rude.

"Not to worry son, I have a plan."

"And what plan is that? Does it have anything to do with the pile of bodies over there?" Luciano says pointing at the bodies.

"Well that's a secret lovely, and I'm surprised you didn't mention them before." Klaus smirks.

"I know you dad, okay, and a pile of bodies is normal in this family. You have your secrets that's fine, but if you ever need my help, tell me."

"We both know I'm fully capable of taking down a kingdom son." Klaus says, offended.

"I know I know, but you know how I worry about you, you're getting old pops." Luciano says smirking, knowing that will get a funny reaction from his father.

"Oi! Watch it!" Klaus says with a smile whilst putting his hand up pointing at Luciano.

Luciano smiles back at him and steps forward to hug him when they are interrupted by Rebekah and a wolf coming towards the house they were currently at.

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