You must be a good thief, cause you just stole my heart
Wouldn't it be the perfect crime if I stole your heart and you stole mine?
Did you just fart, cause you blew me away
Do you live in a corn field? cause i'm stalking you.
Are you a camera? Cause every time I look at you I smile.
Person 1: Do you have asthma?
Person 2: ....
Person 1: Cause I do, every time I look at you, you take my breath away.
Boy: theres this girl I really like
Girl: aww thats sweet
Boy: I want to tell her but I don't know how. May I practise with you?
Girl: sure, pretend that I'm the girl.
Boy: Ok, I love you
Girl: that's perfect, go and say it to her.
Boy: I just did.
You are the "u" in cute
You may not be perfect but I like you.
If I had a dollar every time I think about you, I would have 1 dollar, cuz you never leave my mind.