7 Just Like That?

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(Y/n)- Your name
(F/c)- Favorite color
(E/c)- Eye color
(H/c)- Hair color

(3rd Person:)

"...I thought so too, Mathias. But several of zhe countries have found her roaming avound lately... She's back. And she has no memory of us at all...." Several nations shook their heads in disbelief. With a loud banging of their fists on the table, Finland made his presence known. There would be absolutely no debate on who gets the next question.

Finland made a piercing stare at everyone in the room and cleared his throat. "Maybe it's my age that's making my hearing go away, but what is this about (Y/n) being back? Because last time I check, three years ago we were told something completely different. In fact, I remember even having to host a funeral for our dear friend, who lived with us." The country hissed the last part, making it clear to everyone in the room that it was them who were closer to the female.

England stood up and cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. "Excuse me for adding my two cents, Prussia, but it is true that (Y/n) is back, Finland..... I witnessed her coming into the coffee shop a few days back...." Emerald eyes met with stern, violet eyes, keeping a deep concentration between the two. At last, the Finnish man kicked the chair towards the wall, making a loud crash! as the chair shattered. The room stayed still and watched as the man left the room in anger, a worried Swede hot on his trail. As the door slammed behind the two, the room just stared at the now demolished chair right where the Finland name tag sat on the desk.

After a few moments and a deafening silence, another line soul stood up. "It's-a true. My fratello saw her a few days ago, too." Romano shared a look with England, and the Brit nodded in a thankful manner. Northern Italy stood up, his eyes open for the world to see. "I saw her when fratello and I were-a shopping. I noticed she needed some pasta sauce, so I handed her-a mine. She's still-a as beautiful as ever..." America stood up with a scraping sound from his chair. "Yeah.... I saw her too. I walked her home..." "Oui, me az well." "Me too, eh." "I did too. She now works at our café. We hired her after you and Mr. Canada reft, Engrand-San." All the eyes of the witnesses met, showing a mutual agreement amount the few.


"Where is she then, da?" The tall Russian asked. The witnesses kept their stance, shared a look, then shook their heads. "We do not know, Mr. Russia. Arr we know is that she is arive and doing werr." Now a little pleased by the answer, Ivan took his seat.

On the opposite side of the septum for height, an outraged Icelandic slapped his hands on the desk. "If she's here, then why don't we look for her?! We need to find her immediately!!" Several other nations muttered in agreement, their own thoughts of reuniting with the woman, reigniting that hopeful flame again. "Ve can't just search the whole city for her! Didn't you hear? Prussia said zhat she doesn't remember us! How would you feel if over a hundred people you can't remember started hunting jou down?" Germany declared. A few more mutters of agreement echoed throughout the room. "Well we can't just stand here, dammit! We need to find a way to make her remember us!" Switzerland stayed. Even more nations talked amongst themselves, making the grand hall noisy like it used to be before the girl left their presences. "I will work on a spell to help her regain her memory. But the other Nordics and myself should be the first to reintroduce ourselves again. After all, she did live with us." Norway stated. All chaos broke out among the nations of the world, many opposing Norway's comment but some agreeing. It felt almost like a normal meeting again...

"SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS!" Germany shouted. Oh how much the nations missed that stupid shouting. It felt like things were almost.... right again.... Despite the mass confusion everyone felt by (Y/n)'s sudden appearance again, it felt like things were finally coming back into place. Hope that was long forgotten regained its spark. Emotions that have been hidden away for years showed clearly once again. Joy that has been abolished in their hearts leaped with new founded love. The dead feelings in their stomachs fluttered to life. All this.... because of one person....

After the room hushed itself again, and Finland and Sweden found their way back into the room, Prussia stared at the large amount of nations with his hands behind his back with a professional manner. "Zhis is a very serious matter and the topic should not be taken lightly. Yes, ve have determined zhat zhe presence of (Y/n) has returned, but ve must all be couscous. Ve don't know how she managed to get vack or zhe meaning behind all zhis, but absolutely no one must stalk her or do anything to cause her to be suspicious of us. Ve vill come up vith a plan on how to address zhis next time. Meeting adjourned."

Immediately, nations shot out of their seats and talked to the other nations, trying to get their opinion on the matter at hand. It honestly seemed like an old, classic American film with high schoolers involved. Whispers could be heard about. Rumors echoed off the walls. Even the oldest of nations were talking in a circle of other countries as they talked about their feelings. Despite how heartbroken many of the nations were, not one cried during the meeting or afterwards. No one wanted to seem weak in front of the others, even if they all wanted to do it.

One man in particular did everything in his body and mind to avoid this "weak" display of emotion. The albino man walked through the parking lot and kept going. Where was this man going?

After 30 minutes, The man reached his destination, full of somber. He crouched down, his hand resting on the cold stone in front of him as his emotions finally started to show.

Tears streamed down his face as he breathed in, trying to calm down, but failing. Acknowledging that he couldn't hide his feelings anymore, he fell to the ground and curled up into a ball, clutching his head tightly as he wept. The pale Prussian wept into his knees as he laid on his side clutching his white hair. He spoke soft German as he let three years worth of tears fall from his red eyes. He hadn't cried once after the female left him behind. He's came close before, but always managed to choke them down before it could ever escalate into anything. Finally, after three years, every ounce of pain and sorrow had finally broke free from the stone-hearted man. He could feel his agony slip through the seams of his heart as he wept in front of the large stone-carved grave in front of him. What are you doing (Y/n)? Where did you go? Why did you leave me? Just like that?... (Y/n), tell me that I'm not dreaming...Please... Don't let this be a dream...

{(Y/n) (L/n)}
A true friend of the whole world.

(DD/MM/YY)-(May 8, 2015)

Hi!!! I'm back!! Sorry about the long wait! My new job is really taking up some time!! I'm sorry I'm advanced for Thai chapter. I know that it's not exactly the best because I wrote this super late at night. Plus, it's really short. So, sorry about that! But I hope to update soon! Thanks so much for the support! Love you all a lot! -FancyNapkin

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