Chapter 9

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Mad wasn't even the word to describe how I was feeling. Livid was more like it. I was stupid to put my trust in Drennon, to actually think he would just up and let me go like that.

I couldn't stop myself from crying. I just wanted to get back to my life. It wasn't much but at least it wasn't nothing like this.

I guess my crying was loud because I heard the door slowly creep open.

"Riley, you okay? I thought I heard you crying."

Bakari had walked in and slowly sat beside me. I tried to wipe the remaining tears off my face so he wouldn't notice them.

"I'm fine." I replied sniffing.

"No you're not, I can hear cracks in your voice just then. If you wanna talk, I'm here."

I hesitated for a little bit. Knowing that Bakari is Drennon's right hand man, he could easily go and tell him any kind of information or this maybe a set up to make sure I stay here.

"I can't, you're not to be trusted. No one around here is trustworthy. I'm alone here."

"What are you talking about? Where is this coming from? Does this have to do with what happened?"

I slowly shook my head. At least part of it was.

"I'm just tired of this. I've been here four days and I have seen things that no one should and gone through things no one should. It feels like I'm going crazy and then Drennon mysteriously almost kissing me."

"What the fuck you mean he almost kissed you? Did he try to force you?" Bakari's voice boomed through my ears. The way his tone was scared me.

"No it was nothing like that. I was stitching up a bullet wound for him and then I guess he was overwhelmed or something. Before he could kiss me, he pulled away from me."

It got silent for a quick minute. I looked at Bakari to see him have a scowl on his face as if something was bothering him.

"When I was little, my daddy used to take me to this big shopping mall and for hours he would let me run around and pick out any toy I wanted. He'd always say just one toy but ended up letting me get more."

"My mama was my world at one point. I loved her with everything in me until one day, I came home from my friends house and there my mother was packing her things up in a moving truck.

"I couldn't understand what was going on until a little boy ran up into her arms and she cradled him with so much love. When I went to do it, she told me to go away and leave her alone."

"My daddy cussed her out and told her that she was a dirty person for leaving us for another man and having a baby along with it. Every since then, I haven't heard from her. Don't even think I want to."

"That's why he steals so he could provide for you?" Bakari asked.

"Sort of kinda. Half the time his gambling got the best of him and landed him in debt. Not only is Drennon after him, but other people as well. That's why I took a job so I could help him but he wouldn't let me."

Bakari just shook his head in disbelief.

"I don't know even know if he knows I'm missing. Even if he does, he knows that all debts comes with a price. Unfortunately, the price is me."

I put my face in my hands as I let out a sigh. I was so frustrated that my father could be so reckless and careless. A part of me felt like I shouldn't be mad but the other part was furious.

"Wait, aren't you leaving. Like you did that escort thing for us."

"That's another dilemma: Drennon lied to get me to do it. He never was gonna let me go, not until my father comes up with the stuff he owes."

"See, I knew this was a bad idea from the start. This your father's fight not yours." He said yelling.

"I'm sorry for yelling like that, it's just I-."

"Look, just lay down and try to get some rest. I'll be back to make sure you're okay."

"Weren't you about to say something just then?" I asked confusingly.

"It was nothing, just get some sleep." He closed the door as I snuggled between the covers and drifted off to sleep.

A bunch of yelling and screaming woke me up from my sleep. I figured it was nothing a laid back down but I heard it again. I got up to see what the commotion was about. That's were I followed the voices to hear Drennon and Bakari arguing.

I saw a little space to where I could fit. I lined my body up and made sure I was quiet so I wouldn't get caught.

"What the fuck you thinking Drennon? Not only did you make her escort but you lied to her. What's going with you? You loosing your damn mind." Bakari was so mad it was like he about to explode.

"You acting like she dead or something. I mean we came before anything happened and got Steele. That was the mission and it got accomplished."

"It ain't just about Steele, it's about how you do things and your actions. If shit don't go your way, then is no way or get killed."

"So far that's worked out for me. And as soon as I get my hands on Quincy, he's getting the same treatment as Steele." He said as he lit a blunt.

"And as for Riley?" I leaned my head in closer so I could hear more clearer.

"Why do you care so much about what happens to her? You acting like you like her or something."

Bakari stood there in silence as Drennon took a puff from the blunt.

"So that's what it is. Old Bakari done caught feelings. You know that's not supposed to happen. Don't get attached."

I put my hand over my mouth so no sounds could come out. It explains a lot now why he's been so caring and protective.

"Don't come stand here and act like you ain't got attached to her too nigga. I know you tried to kiss her."

"I admit that but I'm not trying to get with her though. I had a feeling you was feeling some way towards her when we was out in the garage."

"So you knew and still did that." Bakari said squinting his eyes.

"Like I said, don't get attached. A girl like Riley isn't ready for the lifestyle you come with."

Bakari threw is head back in frustration.

"B, you still my nigga. I'll always have love for you but you knew how the game was when we started out. Shit is cutthroat."

"I'm going to get a drink, come with me to release some of this tension you got build up." Bakari and Drennon both walked out the door.

When I heard the door close, I came from out the small space and hurried back into my room just in cases they doubled back.

I was dumbfounded at what I just heard. My father may get killed and Bakari is feeling me. This is just more stress that I have to deal with.

As for Drennon, even though he said he wasn't feeling me, something keeps lurking in my mind that it's more to it. When I looked in his eyes and how close he was to me, it was something more I felt he was holding out on.

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