Chapter 5

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I watched her lay almost lifeless on the ground. I could tell she was still alive by her breathing. They were slow yet steady. I couldn't go over to her aid because too many bullets were being fired.

It felt like the gunfire was never gonna end until the elevator came open and out flew a bomb that surrounded everything in smoke. I started coughing when I inhaled some smoke. I could feel myself slipping out of consciousness as my body felt limp.

Just as my head was about to hit the ground, I felt a soft firm hand catch me in the midst of me passing out.

I felt my body being lifted from the ground and into a strong warm embrace. I opened my eyes a little to try and see who it was but my eyes were too watery. The noises from the bullets began to go quite as I was being carried away.

I think I was in some kind of room because I felt a cold and solid wall against my back. I cautiously opened up my eyes to Drennon looking over me with careful eyes.

"Riley you aight? You shot?" He asked as he went over to the door.

I looked around to see that we were in like a secret room, a hideout. "What's going on? Who are those men? Why is Tommie not in here with me? She's still alive."

"Look, I can't explain that right now. What I need you to do is stay here and don't come out until I come back." He took out a gun and loaded it.

"Where you going?" I asked frantically.

Before he could give me a response, he bolted out the door into the gunfire. I tried to open the door but it was locked from the outside trapping me inside. I was hyperventilating because I didn't know what was going on or if Tommie was okay. I tried calming myself down by singing a song my father would see to me when I was little.

"Will you live like me, in a world run by desire. Will you wake from worldly dream and not be tired? Will you work like me to lift the conversation higher? Will you be cool like water putting out the fire."

It helped a little as my breathing started to go back to its regular pace. I walked over in a corner and slid down to my knees wrapping my arms around them.

Scared wasn't even the word, I was petrified. I don't even know if Drennon is coming back or not or if Tommie is straight and if Drennon doesn't make it, I'm trapped in this room.

Just then, the door came open and there was Drennon standing covered in blood. I couldn't make out if it was his or somebody else's.

"We gotta go now, it's too much going on around here."

I quickly jumped up and followed Drennon. Before I could turn the corner, dead bodies of men laid surrounded around the floor of the warehouse. I never seen nothing like it before. Like something out of scareface.

All the bodies that were on the ground and I couldn't find Tommie's. "Hold up, where is Tommie?"

"Bakari went ahead of us and drove her to the hospital. That's where we going now." He said hitting the unlock button on his key as we got in.

"Lee, code 5. I need you to go inside the warehouse and handle that. You already know what I'm talking about when you get there. Make sure shit is spotless." He placed his phone over in his lap as he turned his focus back on the street.

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