Chapter 52

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Out by the car, Drennon made Katrina get in the backseat to show him where she was keeping Riley held captive at. Due to the escaping of Veno, he made Lee the driver. Her driving skills were a hundred times more better than her attentiveness.

From the rear view mirror, Lee could see Katrina snarling at her making her grow agitated. Just having someone watching you every time you made any sudden move was creepy.

"What you staring at? It ain't my fault your ass got caught up." Lee said. Drennon had just sat down beside Katrina with his back facing the car door. Sitting side by side to her was not trusting.

"Cut the chit chat Lee, let's get a move on." Drennon urged tapping the back of the passenger seat.

Lee followed Drennon's command as she started the car up backing out. While in the backseat of the vehicle, Drennon would catch glimpses of Katrina side eyeing him. She would look from the road then to him.

"You might as well stop with all the attitude, the jig is up. There's no way you can con yourself out of this one. Why couldn't you just leave Riley alone? Nawl, why you couldn't just be the mother that she needed."

Katrina huffed loudly. "I'm so sick of hearing people always asking about her. Riley this and Riley that. All while she was growing up, that's all I would hear. Never asked how I was doing or if I was okay." She sobbed.

Drennon did not buy into that fake sobbing Katrina was pulling. As a woman and mother, when you have children, their needs are more important. They didn't ask to be here so acting selfish and relentless against your own child is almost devilish.

No one said raising and providing for a child would be easy. Every parent goes through hardships and sometimes breakdowns, that doesn't give them the right to neglect a innocent being.

Drennon kissed his teeth while waving his hand off to her. "You are one sad ass excuse of a woman, you're pitiful. You abandoned Riley, not the other way around. She's not the mother, you are. It was your responsibility to care for her and you failed."

"Listen to you, like you got it all figured out. You don't know shit about what I had to go through with her poor ass father. I didn't want that life anymore so I left. I left Riley behind with Quincy so he could feel what it was like with the pressure of a child and no money."

"I don't care what you went through. You left your child out here in this fucked up ass world by herself."

"Oh please she had her father." Katrina said wiping her nose.

"Who could barely provide for her. And you don't see nothing wrong with that?"

"You act like your life is so perfect. Like you don't have any wrongs. I know you Drennon, you have plenty."

"I know I do, it's no secret life has been fucking me over for a while but no matter how hard life did fuck me over, I never did switch up."

"I ain't neither." Lee chimed in from the driver's seat. They had just gotten on the highway for Katrina to direct them to where Riley was.

"Lee I'm not talking about you, keep your focus on the road. Drennon said as he scolded her. There was only about three people Drennon could trust and that was Lee, Riley, and Bakari.

Even with Bakari's outbursts dealing with Riley, he never changed on him. Nothing was ever that serious to the point where he would have to kill Drennon, the thought never crossed his mind. Now a scuffle here or there but never taking his life.

Lee on the other hand was someone he never had to question. No matter what crazy idea Drennon had in his head, she was always down for the ride. Would rarely take anything serious except for Drennon. That's the person that's been there for her since she could remember. If somebody offered her a million dollars, she wouldn't change up on him. She'd just get a million with him by her side.

Riley was like a ray of sunshine with her different perspective on life. She opened new ways of life for Drennon. She made that dark cloud disappear from over his head. Bits and pieces of the old Drennon are still in him but with Riley's help and guidance, they can easily be stripped.

"Well ain't that nice to hear." Katrina mugged. "I could careless about all that bullshit you just said."

"I know you don't care but you still needed to hear that shit." Drennon mugged her back. "We on the main road now, where is that building."

Katrina glanced out the window looking at the dark sky filled with bright stars. "Take a right here."

As Lee turned took a right turn, she pulled up to a stoplight. Not getting noticed by Drennon, Katrina managed to slip her hands out of the rope they tied her with. When the light had turned from red to green, Katrina quickly lunged on Lee causing her to swirl out of control.

"Get your crazy ass off me bitch." Lee screamed trying to keep hold of the steering wheel.

Drennon tried holding her down by her waist but she wouldn't budge off of Lee. The car started to swerve more with Katrina having her hands covering Lee's eyes.

The car spun and spun until a hard thud against the front of it caused them to stop.

Waking up from the crash, Lee looked around the totaled car with her vision slightly blurred. She opened the car door unsteadily falling to the ground.

She gathered up her strength and went to the back of the backseat to see if Drennon was alright. Once she opened the door, Drennon was laid out on the seat. Lee dragged him out checking for a pulse.

"Drennon get up, nigga I know you ain't dead, I feel your pulse." She said as Drennon slowly opened his eyes grinning. "Don't scare me like that fool."

She helped him to his feet as he dusted himself off. "I wasn't trying to scare you. That bitch killed me in my throat, that shit hurt." He said massaging his neck.

"Speaking of that bitch, where she at?" Lee asked looking around. She went around to the front of the car and noticed that there was no Katrina.

"Dre she gone." She said unbelievably.

"Ain't this about a bitch, we had her sneaky ass too. We must've been close to where Riley was for her to create that diversion."

"I'm not walking around here at night not knowing where the fuck I'm at. I'll call Tommie to come get us."

"I just hate I was that close to Riley just for her to get snatched away again."

"We going to get her back Dre, don't worry."

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