Meeting Harry

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  As she cries her tears out on the pile of leaves, she hears a noise rustling in the bushes. She gets frightened a bit because she does not know any survival skills. Her father took her to a Scout Camp once but she kept on wailing, she wanted to go home. If she had went, she wouldn't be worrying as much.

"Show yourself you harmless creature!" Frannie shouted. 

 Frannie likes to say things that won't scare her, so saying that the creature is harmless makes her calm. The creature popped it's head out and showed itself. It was just a mere cat.

"Oh, it's just a cat." She said calmly. 

But it's not just a Normal cat.

"Are you calling me normal?", "You are very judgemental by the way you speak, I don't like you." The cat said angrily.

It could Talk. 

"You T-t-t-t-t-alked!" Frannie stuttered. 

Of course anyone would be surprised to hear a talking cat, you don't see that everyday.

"Quit stuttering and follow me, i'll get you some clean clothes and give you my milk because i'm very kind." The cat said politely. 

Frannie gets up on her feet shivering in fear and in coldness. She follows the cat and kept quiet until they reached his house. 

"Am I supposed to go through that hole?" Frannie asked.

It was a very small hole, since Frannie is tiny, she could probably fit in. 

"After you." The cat said. 

Frannie gets on her knees and crawls inside, it was very dark. It was quite bright inside because of the hole on top of the roof which is covered in grass so people don't find this place. His house was so tiny Frannie can barely stand up, she sat crossed legged and waited for the cat.

"This is my home, I don't do much, just eat, drink and sleep. Your new clothes are there on the corner, I found those lying in the forest so I brought them with me, I'll get you some milk while you change."  The cat said nicely.

Frannie goes in the corner and changes her clothes in silence, not what she usually does, she never changes by herself, the maid has to do it for her while she blabs about how wonderful life is. 

"Why does this dress have a stain on it?" Frannie asked sadly.

"Why does it matter?", "You're not wet anymore, be happy you found me or else you would be dead" The cat replied.

"No I won't be, I've got rescue teams searching for me now, they'll find me." Frannie said happily.

"Umm No, don't you know this is the Forest of Death?", "People who come here get lost on their way and end up dead, I've seen some bodies." The cat replied, looking awfully sad.

"So is this dress from a dead girl?" Frannie asked curiously.

"Oh no, that was just something I found on the ground, don't worry, here's your milk." The cat said gently. 

Frannie drinks her milk and feels refreshed. Her hair is drying and the rain has stopped. She can't wait to go back home, if she could. Her eyes are getting tired and she lay down to sleep.

"Oh, by the way, My name is Harry."  The cat said.

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