chapter 4- sunset friend ship

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i went out to the beach after nicolas aproach i was very mad.i had to think about this.everyone was calling my friend but i didnt want to talk with anyone of them.jacob saw me sitting in the sand so he went running and sat down beside me i was very sad.he kept talking to me and asking what happened then it was about time for the sunset.i lean down on his shoulder and smile.are you better he asked .yes im feeling better you made my anger go away with your sweet talk.

you know what?-isaid

i feel like i know you from before although i cant know you from any where-i kept saying-but is realy nice being with you im so sorry this happened.

its okay-he responded

its nice being with you specially eith this i started to know you and your beautiful i love to be your friend-he said.

ohh thanks for that you are very handsome too.are you sure not trying to conquere me for my beauty you say-i said smiling and laughing at the same time

i love your laugh and smile your beautiful and maybe im trying to conquere you maybe thats what my heart wants me to know.because every time im near you it acelerates even more.

oh shout up,how can you fall for me i jsut met you?-i responded

well maybe was love at first sight,and if you dont feel the same way its ok ill make you fall in love with me-he said leaning too me while the sunset came.

i didnt know what to say i kept in silence

but when the sun finallly came down he leaned adn kiss me.

i was so shocked. what had just happened?

i have a boyfriend i said out loud

oh sorry he said i didnt know well we can still be friends

sorry sorry no i dont have one really its that i dont really want to fall for you so fast i just met you and i was shocked i didnt know what to say that just burst out of my mouth.

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