i went running out to look for jacob.when i got to his room number i knocked the door.and he opened his eyes opened and smiled right away.he told me he had something to confess,but he said it in such i weird tone i havent heard before and i new it was a bad new.
i went like please dont tell me you have a girlfriend in london?please dont say that-i said
no,something worst-he replied-but i have to resolve my problem its not your proble dont get worried i love you so much i have to get rid of it.
what is it?- i asked
im proposed to another girl back in london..........he started crying.....i dont love her it was arrange shes form a wealthy family and im too.so they want me to get married so the wealth of the family keeps on.but i love you so much i have to talk with her because i know she dosnt love me neither.and we both are gonna be so miserable together.
what are you saying?-i said shocked-thanks for not saying anything you knew it all along.
i have to go i cant have a relationship with a liar.by the way the chocolates were so delicious i wont give them back the rest you can have.dont look for me ever again.neither in london by then i have forgotten you.