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[ Emma's pro ]
I was stood on top of a tall building looking down. My long hair is tied out of my face since it is windy and I don't want to be distracted. I'm just sat here waiting. I'm in the zone. Nothing around me can distract me. I see a man come out of a door on the ground. He walks out and over to his car. I line up my gun in my hand and pull the trigger. It hit him in the back of the head. I ran across the roof and down the fire escape. Once on the ground I sprinted down a dark alleyway to my car.

I got in and took of the mask I was wearing. I let my hair down and shook my head so it fell into place. I put my gun into a bag in the back that was full of gun. I start driving away from where I just was. Police cars and ambulances drove past with sirens on heading towards the accident. I smiled and called the guy who hired me. "Hello" he says in his deep voice. "That pie you order. It's been delivered now pay me" I say whilst driving. All my guns were legal but under different names. "One second... there. It's done" he says coldly.

I smiled and said "pleasure doing business with you" I hung the phone up and went faster in my car. The window was open and the wind was blowing in. It was a sunny day with a little wind. I smiled brightly and headed home. Having this job I'm very rich and it's so much fun. I couldn't think of a better job.

[ Regina's pro ]
I'm sat in a room with a bunch of other detectives. There was a man at the front. AKA my boss. AKA john. He leaned against the table and said "it has to be her" someone quickly said "we haven't got enough evidence to put Emma away for it. Unless someone goes under cover" john looked at me. I was on the end of the round table opposite him. "Me" I questioned shocked. They all looked round at me. I had no idea why. "Yes you Regina. You are our best detective and has an A* in drama GCSE" he says standing up straight.

In my GCSEs I got very good grades and I do have to agree with him I'm the most qualified to do this. "Ok. What do I need to know? Will I need to be her close friend" I asked with a nod. He smiled and said "follow me to my office and we can talk about everything. Everyone else you may leave and I want those reports about the other suspects on my desk tomorrow" everyone including me stood up. I followed john to his office as he asked. I sat down and he sat opposite me.

"Ok we know lots about Emma. She's a lesbian so you won't be a close friend" he says as he sits down. I sighed and said "I have to pretend to date a criminal and have sex with her. Dammit. Alright what does she look like and I'm using my name. I'll forget" "of course" he says quickly while cutting me of. He continued "your 32 years old and original from Boston. You moved to LA away from parents. You work for an international drugs cartel" I nodded and played in my head what he says. 32. Boston. Moved here. International drugs cartel.

"Alright I got it. I still need to know what she looks like" I says leaning back in the chair. He nodded and pulled open his draw. He pushed a file over to me while saying "they are the only pictures we have of her. There mug shots but good enough" i opened the folder and saw 4 pictures. I pick them up and look threw.

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[ Emma's pro ]I arrived at my 4 bedroom house

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[ Emma's pro ]
I arrived at my 4 bedroom house. I share it with my two brothers. They both know about my job and don't really care. I unlocked the door and step in. I walked down the hallway till I got to the lounge. I went in and saw them playing video games. David was the oldest and Robin was the middle child. Unfortunately I'm the youngest but I love my older brothers. "There's our favourite criminal" Robin says smiling. I laughed and sat in between them. I made them promise that if I ever get caught they must say they had no idea.

I couldn't let them go down for something I did. We have always stuck by each other. In school if you messed with one of us we all joined in. We use to have a younger sister but she died in a car accident along with our parents. I was 14 when it happened. My sister Hannah was 12. Robin was 15 and David was 16. It's just been us 3 ever since. "Which level" I asked looking at the screen. Without looking up David said "21 but we can't get past it" I grabbed a controller and joined in. We always played silly games like this.

After 10 minutes we had completed that level. "Damm Emma why are you so good at these games" Robin says putting the controller down with a sigh. I laughed and David said "we have been trying to do that all day" I stood up and pulled out a box of cigarettes. "You guys wanna join" they both stood up and we walked out to the kitchen. I opened the back door and stepped out. The boys followed and Robin closed the door. David passed me a lighter and I lit my cigarette before handing them the box.

I inhaled before saying "when you got work David" I exhaled blowing smoke up into the air. David looked at me as he exhaled and said "9 tonight" Robin tapped my shoulder. I looked round and he blew smoke into my face. "Ow you asshole" I say waving my hand in front of my face to get rid of the smoke. He laughed and inhaled his cigarette again. I did the same and blew it out of my nose. "You look like a dragon" Robin says laughing. I laughed back.

[ Regina's pro ]
I had just got my hair straightened. I'm in a black dress with black heels. While my hair is being done another person was doing my makeup. There was lots of stylists around me. My cleavage was showing. Once I was ready I went back to johns office. I red threw the character profile for me a few times. It also said I had to be childish because Emma is a big kid. She's kinda cute actually. The pictures I saw I can tell she's cute but I'm not going to grow feelings for her because that will end badly.

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