Groupchat?Who?-Chapter 33

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"Brrr,Brrr,Brrr..." I heard my alarm go of for probably the 5th time, turning over I slammed my hand onto my clock and turned it off. Rolling over and grabbing my phone, it made me realise that todays the date that Andy has organised.  Opening up my messages with Gemma:

Bestie♡: what? what? what?
Bestie♡: yes yes i am!! ill be over in 15, give me the address!
Livv🐹: *gives address* HURRY UP AND YOU CAN MEET BROOK ;)

Getting out of bed, I brushed my teeth and had some breakfast and waited for Gemma to come round. In the mean time I messaged the boys telling them to have a good day and asking Andy about today.


Livv🐹: Hey dudes, I hope you all have a good day and keep smiling
Andy🌵: thank you gorgeous, i'll see you later ;)
RyePie🐝:  ooo goals
Livv🐹: oh yeh about that, what time? what should i like wear?
Andy🌵: 6pm, wear something comfy, like maybe a flowy dress, its a surprise so I'm not saying.
Livv🐹: ugh fine ill see you then, Gemma's coming round to help me :/
Brookster🙊: Did I hear Gemma?
Livv🐹: Yes Brook i said Gemma, you can meet her later okay.
Brookster🙊: yes okay, see you later x

As soon as I put my phone down, I heard a knock on my door, running up I opened it and squealed and ran to the door. Opening the door I legit jumped onto Gemma, 'I MISSEDDD YOUUUUUU!!" "DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE".

"Woah I'm not going anywhere love, i'll be here for the rest of the weekend then ill be back for the London show for tour" Gemma said whilst basically carrying me into the house. Putting me down, we went into my room and opened my wardrobe doors. "Right he told me to wear something flowy like a dress". Gemma walked up to my wardrobe and grabbed some dress. Whilst Gemma looked for one, I went to had a shower, washed my hair and used shampoo and conditioner, shaved and made sure I spelt good. Grabbing my towel for my body and hair, I wrapped it around my body and walked out the bathroom.

Noticing Gemma had laid a full outfit on the bed which was really cute and I loved it. Checking the time, we realised it was only 2pm so we had a good 4 hours to get ready. Drying my hair and curling it, i put on my outfit Gemma had picked out which i loved. (linked down below) Gemma had asked to do my make up which i obvs let her. After what felt like forever, which was like 1 hour, my make up was complete and my whole outfit was done. I had put on some jewellery to spice up my outfit and look nice. Once we were done, it was 5;00pm and i had enough time to relax and chill with Gemma.

 Once we were done, it was 5;00pm and i had enough time to relax and chill with Gemma

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Talking and laughing with Gemma, i remembered that Brook had wanted to meet her. " Yo Gemma, i got something exciting for you, come with me". Whilst Gemma got her shoes on I quickly texted Rye to keep Brook in the living room and make sure Andy is in another room for a good 15 minutes. Once Gemma got her shoes on, I told her to keep her eyes closed and I'll guide her where to go. Opening the door, I went to the living room and stopped Gemma next to the door, stood where the boys were and Brook had his eyes closed as well.

Counting down from three, Gemma and Brook both opened their eyes, "SURPRISE"...  Smiling, they both ran up to each other and hugged, walking out the room to let them talk I walked out the room with the boys and told them I'll be back at my house to tell Andy to come whenever wants. Walking up to my door, the boys wished me to have a good time and that I looked really pretty. Smiling I went into my house, sprayed perfume on and made sure I looked good and then waited.

All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door and knew it was time, standing up I thought to myself you got this, don't be nervous and to be myself. Opening the door, Andy completely froze and stared, blushing I waved my hand in front of his face. Once he came back to earth, I said " hello Andy" , he replied " hello gorgeous, shall we go?", whilst taking my hand and going to the car.

Going into the car, we just had a chat on the way down about things but he wouldn't tell me where we were going and I kept begging him. After 15 minutes we finally arrived to the destination, he gave me a blindfold and told me to put it on , " you being serious" I asked, chuckling he replied, " yes come on I'm sure you'll love it". Finally agreeing I put it and let him guide me to where we're going.

Finally stopping, " Andy, Andy , you still here?", no noise was heard until, " take your blind fold off". Taking it off, I threw my hands over my mouth and couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes (pic of what it is below).

 Taking it off, I threw my hands over my mouth and couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes (pic of what it is below)

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I was so happy, I ran into his arms and thanked him so much for how amazing this looks and is. Sitting down we grabbed a drink and some of the food on the table. " So this is fun isn't it" I asked. " this is one of the best dates I've ever gone on, I'm so happy to be here with you and be on this date with you" Andy replied. Laughing and telling each other things we wanted to know about each other it made me realise how much I liked him.

Sitting down and chatting, we drank, we laughed and we had a good time, we didn't even realise it was 10pm. Getting ready to leave, Andy turned me around and paused... " right thank you for this amazing date, it was amazing and I do hope to do it again". Smiling I nodded back , noticing he kept looking from my eyes to my lips, he slowly started to lean in and I copied. Bam, we're kissing... I was so shocked , he's such a good kisser woah.

Pulling away, we smiled at each other and called it a night. Finally making it home , we stood at my door step and said our goodbyes. Making my way inside the house I locked the door and smiled, " best night ever" I thought out loud.

Hiya, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, this is quite shit but oh well😂
I love you all


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