Chapter 6

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The bright screen lit Garroth's desperate face as he scanned the screen before groaning.

A: Heya Garroth! Wanna come over? I'm having a few friends over to hang out

As his eyes hit 'friends' though, his heart did a little flip. Maybe.. Laurence would be there? He quickly sent out a reply.

G: Who's all coming?

A few seconds later, another 'ping!' went off.

A: Laurence, Kaitlyn, Travis, and Aaron. I invited Zane but he said he was 'too busy'

G: Alright, I'll be there!

He grinned as he clicked send and quickly got up to get ready. Grabbing his jacket and slipping his phone into his pocket, he bolted out the door, running to Aphmau's house. A few minutes later he arrived and, panting, rang the doorbell. Aphmau swung it open and beamed.

"Garroth, you're here!" She exclaimed, enveloping her blonde friend with a hug. "Come on, let's get inside! Everyone else is already here."

Garroth noticed that Aphmau's cheeks were tinged with the remainder of a blush. 'Probably from Aaron...' He thought, but for the first time, without resentment. He wanted his friend to be happy, and hopefully he could be happy too.

He was ushered inside and saw everyone on the couch, talking while the tv was running. Laurence was smiling and laughing at what Kaitlyn had said, and he felt his stomach flutter and his cheeks heat up slightly.

"H-Hey guys," Garroth stammered, taking a seat on the couch. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Laurence stiffen slightly and blush, while blinking quickly in surprise.

"Oh, hey Garroth!" Kaitlyn grinned. "I was wondering when you'd get here."
Garroth smiled in response, "Well I'm here now." He glanced over at Aphmau and noticed with a start, and slight dread, that Aphmau was glancing between him and Laurence suspiciously. Laurence had noticed too and was looking away- pretending, and failing, to be oblivious.

"So..." Travis said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "What are we going to do?"

The Afterparty: A Garroth X Laurence fanficWhere stories live. Discover now