New Orleans

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Song - babylon by jackson penn
Stiles POV

Sometime during the flight I fell asleep, and was woken by a flight attendant , telling me we arrived in New Orleans . I stretch and grabbed my duffle bag and walk off the plane , I walk through the airport ignoring everyone around me . I walk to the taxi line and hop into the nearest available one, I tell him the address of the apartment  I bought in the French Quarter. 

Stiles apartment ( i absolutely love studio apartments , so I thought why not incorporate it into the story)

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Stiles apartment ( i absolutely love studio apartments , so I thought why not incorporate it into the story)

I get out of the taxi after paying my fee, I walk up to my apartment, unlock the door and set my duffle bag on the floor. I sigh and make my way up the stairs that lead to my bed and take off my shoes and change into a shirt and boxers, before laying under the covers and turn on my sides and look out the window . there I lay staring out at the city that ill now call my home, despite it being late at night I can here laughing and music, and just for a moment, its barely there but..... i feel hope  , hope that this place may be good, hope that ill make new  friends and meet a guy I like, hope that I might find people who I can call family . tonight I fall asleep with a smile on my face .


I'm walking in the woods, not the Beacon Hill woods but the New Orleans  woods . Its pitch black , i can barely see 5 feet ahead of me . i hear a twig snap and automatically my guard is up, i light my hands up using my spark magic , and i walk faster . i stop in the middle of a clearing , i look around and realize all the trees around  me are fallen. i  tried walking but it was like my feet were planted  to the ground i was standing on , i look down and and there are roots around my legs , i look up again and im in the middle of a manor , i look down again and the roots are gone. i walk around  the manor and see a M on the wall along with a portrait of a blond women .i go up to touch it, but then it fades ,i turn around and i see a party . i walk around and i seem to be invicible to the people , the music is old, women are in flapper dresses with curled hair, gloves and beads, men are in black tuxes , hair gelled and smiles big.

My eyes stop on one particular group. there are three incredibly attractive men , one is tall has a square jaw , honest eyes that always seemed amused, however the aura he gives off demands respect (Elijah), on his right their is a is a man with honey colored skin (marcel), hes wearing  a soldiers uniform that looks like its from World War One , his eyes are playful and he keeps glancing over to a blonde (Rebekah) sitting at a table talking to a man, then the last man nearly took my breathe away, hes incredibly attractive , he has perfectly styled  brown hair, his eyes are a breath taking blue that hold a playful glint, and with one glance you can tell he likes to cause trouble, his aura is dangerous and untrustworthy , yet i feel drawn to him.

 I start to walk torwards the group and just before i can reach them i  feel them fading . i start to run but they fade faster and before they fade i hear four names " Elijah" "Niklaus" "Rebekah" and "Marcel " then they're gone , jsut as fast they came.

*End Of  Dream*

I wake up breathing heavily, i look around and notice the sun is barely rising. I look at the alarm clock and it reads 5 A.M , I decide its time to start getting ready . I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen, i start a pot of coffee and take my adderall, i walk to the bathroom and i look in the mirror and i look like im dead. My skin is a pale color that resembles a corpse, i have dark cirlces under my eyes and my eyes are tired and dead , i try to smile and grimace when it feels heavy. i turn on the shower and undress. i step into the warm water and lean my forehead on the wall, i feel the water cascade down my body and i start to relax, after about ten minutes of this i start to wash my body with strawberry body wash , then my hair with waterfull 2 in 1 hair wash . I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waste, i look in the mirror and i look better i grab my face wash and scrub my face, after im done i walk to my room and go to my closet. I  put on a black shirt with a red flannel left unbuttoned and pulled a leather jacket over the, with light wash denim skinny jeans with slight tears, with brown boots with and a black bead bracelet

 I  put on a black shirt with a red flannel left unbuttoned and pulled a leather jacket over the, with light wash denim skinny jeans with slight tears, with brown boots with and a black bead bracelet

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(stiles outfit)

and go to make breakfast, I heat up a pan and start dicing potatoes, I put them in the pan and make hash browns, I crack eggs and put them in the pan and once I'm done I sit down at the table and turn on Netflix and play Supernatural .

After I'm done eating I put my dishes in the sink and head out to explore the city. I walk down the street, I pass some restaurants and witch craft store , some real some fake. I can tell the difference because the real witches duck out of the way as if sensing my power, which honestly wouldn't be surprising, I walk until I reach a bar. I go inside and see a blonde bartender behind the counter, I walk up to the bar a sit on a stool. The bartender come over to me and says,

" are you new in town, haven't seen you here before "

" uh, yeah I just moved here", I say in a uncertain tone

"okay, well what can I get ya?"

"curly fries, please"

"coming right up"

"thank you" I glance down at her name tag " Camille"

I sat and waited patiently for my order to come when I heard the door open, I turned and looked in that direction and froze. there stood the guy from my dreams , one with playful eyes and a alluring smirk that draws anyone in, like a moth to a flame. I stare wide eyed, and before I can stop my self I whisper,


his head whips my way and he just looks  at me, time seems to freeze or everyone in the bar does , he trails his eyes down my face as if assessing me, he tenses and right then I know he can feel the power coming off me in waves ,he starts to fast-walk over to me, before he can make it ,I run, using magic I run faster than any other supernatural.  I get to my apartment and go to my bed and fall asleep , my last thoughts were of the originals, but mainly Niklaus.

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