Chapter 14 - Friend or foe?

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Lucy waited. Every time she got nervous she seemed to need to pee. This time was no exception. She held it in. After knocking again, Lucy heard footsteps. The next second the door was being opened. Lamp light shone behind the person who opened the door so Lucy could only see a dark male figure. She couldn’t make out his features and wasn’t sure if it was William or not.

“Yes? How can I help you?” the man asked.

“Are W..William Pickett?” Lucy asked, her voice a little shaky and her courage fading.

“Yes, I am. What can I do for you?” William replied.

Lucy’s courage returned. “I’m Lucy, a friend of your parents, William and Mary, and I need to speak with you. I know it’s late and I’m really sorry, but it’s urgent” Lucy said with conviction.

“Yes, you are correct. It is quite late. Urgent you say? Are my parents hurt or in trouble?” William asked with concern in his voice.

“Oh, no, William and Mary are fine. But I do need to talk to you urgently. It does involve your father” Lucy replied.

“Look, you should come inside. I don’t want my family’s business aired in public. What is your name again, sorry?” William questioned.

“It’s Lucy” she responded.

“Do come in. Can I offer you a cup of tea, Lucy?” William asked.

“Yes, thank you. Tea would be good” Lucy replied. She was cold and tired from her walk and could do with the warmth and comfort of a cup of tea.

“Please, take a seat in the drawing room through there and I’ll be with you momentarily” William said, waving his hand towards another room.

“Thank you” Lucy replied, finally taking in William’s features as he motioned towards the drawing room. She was surprised to see that William looked a lot like John. She thought that if John looked like anyone, it would be his father, not his great grandfather. Lucy endeavoured to get a better view of William once he had made their tea. She did what she was asked and entered the drawing room.

The room was small and, although Lucy had never officially been in a drawing room, it was not what she had imagined one would look like. She imagined something bigger and well furnished. Lucy could tell this room had been decorated by a man. Bottle green wallpaper covered all the walls and the furnishings, although comfortable, were sparse. Lucy approved of the large leather three seater Chesterfield sofa that took up most of the room. She had always wanted her parents to buy one but they were very expensive in 2014. Lucy assumed they were probably expensive in 1877 too. William must have picked up a few clients, she thought. Or his parents had gone all out for him when he qualified as a lawyer. Lucy knew that William and Mary must have been considered quite well off as they had been able to purchase two parcels of land, build a house, take in two convict employees, feed themselves quite well and furnish their home quite nicely.

Lucy sat on the sofa and took another look around. Apart from the sofa, there was a nice wooden desk, a desk chair and a small table in front of the sofa. That was it. There were a couple of paintings on the wall and Lucy had just stood up to go and take a closer look when William came into the room. He came in behind her so quietly that Lucy nearly jumped out of her skin.

“Far out, you startled me!” Lucy exclaimed.

“I am sorry. I just came to ask you if you took sugar in your tea?” William replied.

“No, thank you” Lucy said, gathering herself together again. Lucy’s nerves were quite frayed after the last couple of days and she mentally told herself to keep it together.

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