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                      A N G E L?

The book is confusing. Some letters are not clear, some words were just foreign. Her faith on the book wasn't very high either. She just wanted to do the task in a hurry and go to sleep after being disappointed.

There were five things she needs for this ritual.

1. Drawing a pentagram on the floor.

2. Candles

3. A black cat

4. A knife

5. Blood

She didn't understand what's the need of a black cat and her own blood but decided not to give it a much thought. She shivered at the thought of seeing an actual guardian spirit or deity but ignored the sick feeling in her stomach

She drew the pentagram with dark coil and placed candle all around it. She took a black cat from the cage. It's her neighbor's cat, Lola. They often go out of the town leaving the cat with Nia's family. She loves Lola a lot.

"Lola, be a good boy and stay in the pentagram. I will treat you with something delicious later" She said kissing the cat's head.

Placing the cat in the middle of the pentagram, she took the knife in her right hand

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Placing the cat in the middle of the pentagram, she took the knife in her right hand. She took a deep breathe and cut her left hand. She hissed in pain. She started to chant the unknown language and drew "6 6 6" with her own blood.

She needed to chant the mantra on repeat for 10 times. Sweat formed her forehead as she repeated the mantra five times. An unknown fear was eating her alive from the inside. It kept screaming at her not do it. She shut down her inner sense as she repeated the mantra. Tears formed her eyes. She doesn't want to be bullied anymore. She wants help from someone, anyone. She just wants shawn to leave her alone.

Just one more time and she will face disappointment or she will be successful to summon her guardian angel or a deity who will solve all her problems.

"O zloy dukh, pridi ko mne. Moya krov' - dokazatel'stvo moyey predannosti tebe. YA prodayu tebe svoyu dushu. Ispolni moye zhelaniye, i ya klyanus', chto moya dusha budet tvoyey raboy navechno. Primi zhertvu I pokazhi sebya" She repeated the words for the last time.

She opened her eyes and sigh in a sort of relief. She knew it was fake. She took Lola out of the pentagram and put her on the bed. She took away the candles and turned on the lights of her room.

"Here you go, Lola." She said as she fed the black cat his favourite fish can.

She took the first aid box and cleaned her wound. If only she didn't perform this ridiculously crazy ritual, she won't have to suffer from this unwanted pain. She studied for a while before laying on the bed. Lola came and sat down beside her. She caressed the black fur baby's hair before drifting away to sleep.

That night she dreamed the same old dream. The prince was pale, he had a gorgeous smile but his face was dark, sinister almost looked evil. And ohh his eyes? They were terrifying, so pale and empty.


She woke up sweating. She was breathing heavily. She calmed herself. She kept dreaming about the same old dream for the last few days
And she always forgets the prince's face as soon as she gets up. She ignored her racing heart and went into the bathroom, washed her face with the cold water. After taking a shower, she wore a black hoodie to cover her bruised forehead.

She stepped outside of the room to find Lola waiting in front of the bathroom.

"Are you hungry? I will make some chicken stock for you, Lola" She said using her baby voice.

Picking up Lola, she went downstairs kitchen. She took out the chicken from the fridge and cut a big piece of meat from it. Her family is vegan, so was she. But they always kept chicken and fish in their fridge for Lola. Lola is always pampered in both her owners and sheltered home.

When the food was ready, she put it on his plate and placed it before him. He meowed a little before digging into his food. Nia went upstairs to grab her bag and Lola's cage. Suddenly her eyes landed on the pentagram. It was a mess. She needed to get rid of it before her parents come back home. She took the cage and her bag from the desk, she was about to leave the room when her eyes landed on the pentagram once again. A shiver went down her spine.

"Where is 6 6 6?" She said to her self.

The number written in her blood was gone. She doesn't remember cleaning it. But she ignored her screaming inner sense and went downstairs in a hurry.

Lola was still eating. She waited patiently for him to done eating. When he was done, she put him in the cage before heading outside. She locked the door and knocked on her neighbour's door.

"Oh my baby Nia, thank you for taking care of Lola," An old lady came into her view.

"Don't mention it. Lola is a family to us too," She said with a silly smile on her face.

"Come back here when you're back from school. I am baking some cookies" The old lady said.

"Of course, Mrs Smith," with that she headed for her school.

Today my first class is English which I share with Shawn and Andrew. As I entered the school, everyone was gossiping about some new drama.

"Adam was the one who complained to the principal. Shawn and the others beat him black and blue. Poor guy" I overheard one of the student's conversation

So, I was beaten for no reasons.

I walked into the class. To my bad luck, Shawn was my bench mate in every class we took together. I looked at him staring at me. I ignored his disgusting stare and sat down beside him quietly. After he smashed my head on the wall, I am having massive headaches frequently. I lied my head down for the rest of the class. No one cares what I do anyway. Teyesa is for rich kids but I joined the school with a full scholarship to make my parents proud but it backfired me in the worst way possible. Teyesa Moon High students hate and bullied poor scholarship students like me.

I just want them to spare me a few days before starting to bully me again.

"Nia," A dark voice said.

I turned around facing Shawn.

"Are you okay? You look sick," He said looking concerned.

I badly wanted to laugh at his words. Of course, I am not okay. And you're the reason behind it.

"After getting my hairs pulled out, a few head smashes to the wall and a kick in the stomach, I am totally fine," I said sarcastically.

I don't want to entertain his ass right now. Suddenly the bell ring. Everyone hurried to the exit. I was about to go when my head started to get dizzy. The next thing I know is falling on the ground.

"Nia," I heard the same voice from the earlier morning before my world turned blank

"Nia," I heard the same voice from the earlier morning before my world turned blank

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