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Suddenly I felt a warm feeling against my lips. I opened my eyes in shock. What in hell? Did he just kiss me on the lips?  I quickly turned my face away from him.

"Let me go, p-please" I pleaded silently.

He removed his hand from my throat. I relaxed a bit.

"You forgot the rule, Nia," He said as he sat on the teacher's desk.

What I felt at that moment is complete fear. I couldn't meet his gaze.

"I am s-so-sorry" I shuttered.

"How should I punish you, Nia?" He asked.

I started shaking uncontrollably. Tears started to stream down my face. If I go outside then Julia and her friends will beat me to death but if I stay here then I have no idea what Shawn will do to me. I just want to survive the last year of high school without getting in trouble but luck is not in my favour. Shawn or Julia? I will gladly choose to be bullied by Julia. I turned on my heels

"Don't think of running "He said with a little chuckle.

I stopped as I reach the door handle.

"Pl-please leave me alone, Shawn. Wh-what have I ever done to you? " I half-yelled at him.

Suddenly, he pulled my hair and turned me around. I gasped in pain as I met his cold emotionless eyes.

"You look so pretty when you cry," He said as he shoved me to the floor.

"Pl-ple-please stop," I cried.

I knew what is going to happen. He will beat me like yesterday. I closed my eyes as I waited for him to hit me. But nothing happened. I opened my eyes only to find him watching me with a hint of excitement in his green orbs.

"Run, little doll" He said.

He didn't need to tell me twice.
I quickly got on my feet and unlocked the door. I quickly glanced back at him before running out of the building. I hate myself for getting admitted to Teyesa. My life was so much better before I entered Teyesa.

After I reached home, I walked into the kitchen and took out a bag of chips. I didn't even eat my breakfast. I walked back into my room. The packet of chips dropped from my hand as I stared at the thing standing in my room window.

 The packet of chips dropped from my hand as I stared at the thing standing in my room window

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It turned around hearing the noise before vanishing right infront of my eyes. Am I hallucinating? I swallowed my own saliva as I stood still, afraid to move. I must be hallucinating. It can't be real. I glanced at the pentagram. I need to get rid of it before my parents get home. I started to clean the floor. It took me half an hour to wipe off the whole pentagram. It was a waste of time. No deity or guardian angel would appear right in front of my eyes and ask me if I need help. It was foolish of me to try and call a deity.


I stopped my movement. Why do I keep hearing this voice? I am hallucinating. It's not real. I tried to convince myself but little did I know that it was real. He was coming for me.

I was feeling afraid to stay in my house. So, I decided to go to Mrs Smith's house. I knocked on her door.

"Oh Nia, I am so glad you came. Come inside," The old woman said with a smile.

"Thanks for inviting me, Mrs Smith" I said as I entered her house

"What happened to your face, dear?" She asked.

Concern was clear on her face. Shit, I forgot to wear my hoodie.

"I fell from the stairs. No big deal, Mrs Smith" I lied which she easily believed.

Suddenly, a running Taylor hugged me. I got on my knees and hugged the boy back. Taylor is only five years old and Mrs Smith's only family other than her daughter who is still in college. Two years ago, Mrs Smith's son and daughter in law died in a car accident leaving Taylor to his grandmother.

"Nee, help me with my homework, please," Taylor pleaded.

"Of course, go get your books" I said pulling away from the hug.

He ran upstairs while I went to their living room and waited for Taylor to return. Lola came into the room. I picked up the black fur baby in my lap and started to caress it's hair.

"Have some cookies, Nia" Mrs Smith said coming into the room with a tray of cookies.

"Thank you, Mrs- Ahh" I  yelled as I felt a sharp pain in my hand.

I looked at my hand and saw that lola has scratched my hand. Blood was coming out. Lola meowed a little before running out of the room.

"Oh dear, are you okay?" Mrs Smith said.

"Don't worry, I am fine" I said.

"I will get the first aid box" The elderly woman ran out of the room in panick

It's strange how Lola has scratched my hand. I mean I have known the black cat for 8 years of my life. He is known for his calm and easy going nature. It has never scratched anyone ever.

Mrs Smith came into the room with a first aid box in her hand. She started to clean my new wound.

"Lola has been started to behave really weird today.  I don't know what's wrong with him? He just stares at a space and meows. Whenever I or Taylor go near him, he starts to behave very aggressive. Maybe I will take him to the vet tomorrow. " Mrs Smith said as I nodded.

Taylor ran into the room with a lot of books in his tiny hands. I spent the whole afternoon helping him study before returning to my house. I cooked my dinner and eat alone in silent. Then I went into my room and started to do my homeworks and assignments.

I felt someone touching my body. The next moment, I felt someone licking my neck. I quickly opened my eyes to find Lola sitting beside me. I quickly sat on my bed. I glanced at the window and it was open. I clearly remember locking it. I looked at Lola who was licking my hand. Maybe I forgot to lock the window. Lola always come into my room through the window.

The cat sat on my lap. It looked at me in the eye. Suddenly I felt a unknown fear knocking me in the stomach.  I looked away. Lola started to lick my neck again.

"Lola stop it, it tickles" I said in a commanding voice.

But he didn't stop. It licked me aggressively as if I am a food. I started to push the cat away but it didn't even move. Then it bite my neck

"Ahh" I screamed as I woke up breathing heavily.
I looked around to find nothing. I glanced at the window and it was lock.

"It was a dream, just a dream" I tried to convince myself but who was I lying to?

"It was a dream, just a dream" I tried to convince myself but who was I lying to?

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