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I woke up with a severe headache. I sat up on my bed as I tried to recall everything that happened yesterday. A ghost, it was certainly a ghost and it was after me. What did it want from me? No, what do I want from him? It all started after I got my hands on that cursed book. I summoned a cursed spirit and invited it to my home without thinking about the consequences. In short, I fucked up. But I know one thing for sure, It doesn't want to kill me. I mean, if he wanted to, he could do it in a heartbeat. I buried my thoughts away as I got up from bed to get ready for the day. I pulled the curtains open. I furrowed my eyebrows together. It's too bright outside. However seeing the sun shining brightly, I felt a tiny bit of satisfaction knowing that after the darkness of the night, the golden star was rising on the horizon, spreading her gold in every direction. Maybe just like that, this dark chapter of my life will be over soon. I will get over this.

You're more strong than you think, Nia. You can get rid of this spirit. I tried to assure myself but who am I kidding? I am just a mere human and him? He is an evil spirit. I tried to shake off all the thoughts. I walked to the bathroom. I undressed as I turned on the shower. I opened a new shampoo bottle and started to wash my black hair. I stopped my movements as I felt a sudden chill down my spine.

He is not here, right?

I quickly wrapped a towel around my body as I looked around. My eyes were wondering around in fear.

"Hey, ghost. Are you here? You're not in-invading my privacy, are you?" I whispered as I turned off the shower.
He is not here. He is not here. I whispered to myself. I am just paranoid. I spent another five minutes showering before putting on my clothes. I brushed my teeth and dried my hair before tying it in a bun I walked out of the bathroom.

I have school today. I wish, I could go back to sleep but my grades would drop if I keep missing my classes. I sighed in frustration before shoving some of my books in my school bag. I walked downstairs. The smell of food hit my nostrils. My mom was making pancakes. I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"You're up early today. How did you sleep, darling?" My mom asked.

"I slept like a baby, mom," I said with a smile.

The rest of the day went in a blur. Shawn didn't bother me today. Maybe because I did my best to hide from him. The school library is the only place he never visits. I went through the shelves to find some good history books to read. Suddenly I came across a book named "Exorcism".

Don't think about it, Nia. You already got yourself trapped with a spirit because of an old stupid book. I wanted to walk away but I stood still staring at the book. Maybe, it can help me. They say, curiosity kills the cat but I am desperate to get away from the ghost. I took the book along with some other books.

"Hey, I want these books for a week," I told the librarian.

"Alright." She said as she started to count the books.

"Exorcism? This book is still here. I thought the school authorities got rid of all the fake black magic and stuff books." She said with a questioning look.

"Umm...Can I have it?" I asked in confusion.

"You can keep it. You don't have to return it." She said with a smile before packing all the books.

I mumbled an okay before walking out of the library. Now all I need to do is go home and read this book silently. You will get rid of this damn ghost, Nia. You can do it.

Suddenly someone shoved me against the wall. I whimpered in pain as I looked up to see no other than Shawn. Great, I will get bullied.

"Wh-what do you want, Shawn?" I asked.

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