A New Era

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"Babe, wake up." I felt a gentle prod on my ribs "Y/N we're nearly here, wake up. Look at the city!" Jamie was gawping out the windows whilst continuously poking me to make me stir. I slowly blinked my eyes open, trying to avoid the searing light of the sun. I hold up a hand over my eyes to shield them. 

"Okay, Jamie I'm awake." I batted his hand away as the pokes began to hurt "how much further to the apartment?" I asked to the car in general, hoping anyone would reply. Jamie's Mum answered with 17 minutes. Wow, I slept for a while then, no wonder my legs are starting to ache. I wriggled my legs into a more comfortable position, trying not to knock over any boxes which were crammed in every nook and cranny of the car. 

I was finally heading off to university to study my dream course - veterinary  science. I had daydreamed about this for so long, since I was about six I believe. Not only was the course a great tick off my bucket list, but the fact I was moving in with my perfect boyfriend was a massive bonus. Me and Jamie have been dating for 2 years now, since we first met in Biology in college, and it just spiralled on from there. We were inseparable, as our parents called us anyway.

Jamie's Mum had driven us down to the city with my Dad as a passenger. It made sense that we travelled together. Our belongings were all mixed up in each others houses anyway, and we lived 5 minutes drive away from one another, so it was much easier to scoop everything up shove it in rather than to organise it all, as much as it killed me not to alphabetise everything.

 We'd driven a journey of 3 hours to reach our destination, it wasn't too long but to be sat squished in a full car for that long, the cramps were starting to become unbearable.  As a distraction I stared out the window, taking in every corner of the city that was going to be my home for the next 6 years. From the bustling streets of smartly dressed people, staring intently at their phones as they dashed around the place, to the tourists on a day trip admiring the magnificence of the 200 year old stone works.

The lights ahead turned red, the car squeaked to a halt showing it's tiredness after the long journey. "Okay, according to the SatNav we have 5 minutes left! Everyone look out for Florence Street. Your apartment block should be there." Jamie's Mum (Julie) announced. I immediately pressed my nose against the window, scouting out my surroundings.

"Looks like somebody is keen to get out." Jamie chuckled as he looked at me practically panting at the window "Honestly, you're acting like a dog at the park." He shook his head in disbelief and then continued his search.

"Hey, I've been counting down to this moment for years, let me have my excitement!" I retorted, trying to stand my ground. He merely grunted in reply, he was probably nervous. I was only meeting one new person but he was about to move in with three people he's never even seen before. My chain of thought brought me to the question. "Hey, I wonder who the spare bedroom will go to?"

Because of how the apartments had worked out, there was a 6 bedroom apartment but only 5 of us to fill it. This included; me and Jamie; my best friend Hannah; my cousin Antonio who brought his best friend Daniel; leaving a spare bedroom. We had no idea who was going to move into the last room so it was a surprise to us all. 

"Florence Road!" My Dad broadcasted. Julie took an instant left turn and started to drive down the very narrow alley.

"Dave, are you sure this is the right road, from the pictures it looked alot more...clean." Julie inquired.

"Yeah, it said Florence Road! You all saw the sign." My Dad said defending himself, he is too stubborn to admit when he is wrong anyway.

Julie continued to make her way down the darkening street, which became slowly more narrower. A man appeared suddenly into view. Julie slamming the brakes hard and locking all five doors with the click of a button. The man however seemed just as startled by us as we did by them. Another man emerged behind him, it was dark so I couldn't see too well but the second man appeared slightly taller and was holding what seemed to be a video camera.

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