Stranger Neighbour

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Jamie and I walked through to the living room, hand in hand. I suppose this is the feeling a married couple would have. A feeling of accomplishment, a real milestone in a relationship. We got closer and closer to the door where Hannah had disappeared through. My mind was racing about who it could be, the mystery room mate.

For all I know, they could be my new best friends, a previous arch enemy, there's nothing stopping them from being a great distant relative. I mean the possibilities are endless really. I had one hand on the door handle and the other was still holding tightly onto Jamie's.  

I flicked the door open to reveal a dimly lit room, it wasn't dark but had a cosy feel to it. The decoration was minimal (which I would surely change) but it still felt homely. On my left was a small Kitchen unit with the basics of oven, sink, microwave and fridge freezer. On my right was the main place to be, the living room. There was a complexion of mix matched sofa's; one a brown leather and the other two were stained grey cloth. 

Seated already was Antonio and Daniel.  Antonio had placed himself on the part of the cloth sofa which didn't have weird brown stains smudged on them, I made a note to avoid them. Antonio was my cousin, he was half Spanish and the other English, he was a typical attractive guy with dark hair and eyes.

When most people hear the word cousin, it's the first person they ever really had a true friendship with but not for me, due to the five hour drive we've met probably six times in total, even then it was only briefly at family gatherings. We only decided share an apartment because family members get a 10% discount on rent, otherwise we'd probably be in separate universities all together.

Daniel was perched on the arm of the leather sofa located in the middle, his arms crossed over his chest. I'd met him once at my Aunties wedding (Anonio's Mum), we had had a short conversation but from what I gathered he was a pretty decent bloke, a massive flirt though. He had light brown hair that curled up at the edges, and his eyes were a piercing blue. Dan was of a tall stature whilst he also had a fit physique.

Hannah was in the corner, she hadn't met the two before but I'm guessing she'd already hit it off. She was one of those people who could talk to anyone about anything. She was rocking from heel to toe, a little quirk she had when she was excited.

"You okay cuz?" Antonio stood up from the sofa, looking almost relieved to be off the dirty seat, he opened his arms and pulled me into a light hug.

"Not too bad, yourself?" I gave him a pat on the back and he let go.

"I'm good, I'm good. So this is the Jamie I've heard of." Antonio stuck his hand out and firmly shook Jamie's hand

"I am. The one and only, I'm guessing you're Antonio?" He replied, raising an eyebrow as he took his educated guess. Antonio nodded and then stuck his hand out in a gesture to Daniel sat behind him.

"And this is Daniel" Antonio announced, he smiled and nodded at him to acknowledge him.

"Hi, nice to see you again."

Jamie just nodded at him, to show he'd taken on board the new names.

"I'm assuming you both met Hannah already?" I asked to which they responded yes. "Okay, then we are a person missing. Where is our stranger neighbour?" I looked around the room momentarily to check I hadn't glanced over them but there were no signs of a sixth person.

"Oh, she's in her room. She arrived with her belongings a couple of minutes before you two did. She's probably finished her unpacking now. I'll go and bring her in." Hannah chirpily answered, half skipping half walking to the new girls room. Whilst we waited I fiddled with Jamie's fingers between mine absent minded.

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