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(December 16th,1999)
Unknown POV

I stealthily sneak across the ash-blackened floor. Small bulbs of orange light up the way through the narrows hallway. My shoes become coated in a dark and dusty black.

An unsettling moan rummages through as I freeze in place, unsure where the sound came from. It resembles somewhat of a tired grunt crossed with the sound of something vibrating. I slowly turn my head to look behind, at first thinking that I see a dark, humanoid figure standing a few feet behind me.

My eyes blink once, and the shape is gone. I get a sudden urge to start heading that way, the direction I had come from. Echoes bounce off the walls and ceiling as I walk to where I came from. Something drives into my mind, telling me to keep going, despite knowing that I've already been in that area of this place.

Although, I already know what's down there.

The dead body of one of my friends lays in the distance, suspiciously, perfectly under a warm, red-toned shade of light. I hesitate to go any closer to the deceased. A raw stench of flesh stings my nose as I try to force myself to back away. Yet my brain tells me to stay in place, and to not move.

It's like that feeling you get when you don't want to see it, but somehow you stay to observe it because it oddly satisfies you. That's exactly how I feel, which raises a red flag. Nothing ever ends well in those types of situations.

'Just back away,' I mentally tell myself.

Eyeing the body, I take a single step back. It thuds against something. Fear paralyzes my body and mind. A lowly hiss tickles the interior of my ear as my shoulders raise up.

Suddenly a sharp ring blares out, and the dead body of my friend lashes up, to her knees. Her flesh turns grey- ash grey- then the skin shrivels like a dried plum. That thing was no longer my deceased friend.

She's become a fucking monster.

Slowly, it gets up to its feet, swaying side to side in an undead motion. I swallow, unable to move. The monster quickly jumps out, heading straight for me. I hastily turn around, only to meet the face of a deceased friend who had passed much earlier.

The last thing I see are their beady, deadshot, red eyes before I black out and feel rows of teeth bite through my flesh. Screams escape me as the sound of my bones crushing create a deafening sound.

I'm fucking dead meat.

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