Chapter two

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"So, how long have you been working for Harpers Bazaar? And, why do you want to leave?" Lana, my possible new boss, asked me.

"Three years. I love it there but I need something new. I love it but I'm far from passionate about it; I have no say in final cuts even though I'm a senior editor. I need a job where I can live up to my full potential." Setting down my drink, and spilling some on myself hoping that she didn't notice and think me a fool.

"That's a good point. Well, I think Vogue will be perfect for you. But, since you're just now entering and our main senior editor doesn't leave until July and it's currently May, we'll have to set you up with something else for now."

"Oui, like what?"

"Well, instead of being a senior editor we can either make you a columnist or... let me have a look. I don't think columns would suit you."

Taking a brief pause to look through her binder, I saw her eyes flicker. She has beautiful eyes. Violet and piercing, almost as if she was looking right through my darkest secrets. I decided I needed another sip of my champagne.

"Ah, oui! How do you feel about managing the celebrity fashion articles. You know, comparing and contrasting, best and worst dressed, that sort of thing?"

I thought to myself for a moment. Honestly, I didn't see anything bad about it, what's the worst that can happen? Beyoncé wearing a blue gown even though red looks so much better on her?

"That sounds perfect! When can I start?"


"Kelsey I SWEAR she was reading my thoughts. Like before I even got into the fucking room - I was reading a Vogue piece on how Justin Timberlake's style has changed through the years and-"

"Oh my god, 90s Justin can have my children. I mean, mon dieu, all of NSYNC can impregnate me whenever they feel like it. Even the gay one."

"Sis, his hair would've poked you in the eye mid stroke." I heard a short giggle come from the other side of the line.

"Still though! He was scrumptious!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll have to call you back daddy. I'm about to get in a taxi and i don't want any dirty looks. I'll see you when I get home, love you."

"Love you too, son!"

Waiting on the curb and sticking my hand out for a cab, I felt like I was in a fifties era rom com. Mainly because the most beautiful man I've ever seen accidentally bumped into me, and I suddenly forgot how to speak.

"Oh, shit my bad. You good?"


"You sure?" He said this with a chuckle seeing as I was obviously enamored with him. Those brown eyes, i could just give him a Hollywood kiss right then and there.


"Okay, have a good rest of your day. Sorry about that!"


Parisian Girl {robert de niro}Where stories live. Discover now